
Love Recuperated

Dione: Struggling to sit up on my own , Rimuru helps me sit up by leaning me against the wall as I smile at him and I look to the others that are also kneeling as they bow their heads to me.

Saying "come on now enough with that aren't I alive and well there's no need for this it's but it's good that you guys are ok" but when I say that I see the change in Rimuru's attitude.

Can you guys give me and Rimuru a minute as I turn to look at them again to see that they understand, leaving the room they close the door behind them.

I put my hand on Rimuru's cheek and say "so is this new appearance meant for me saying that you gave in".

Rimuru: Moving her hand away, and looking at her "I say are you really trying to avoid the conversation" as I give her a serious look.

Dione: Looking away I say I don't see what you're getting at I don't see anything wrong with what I did we won right.


Dione: bitting my lower still refusing to not look at him as I still play clueless I say "what do you mean".

Rimuru: Sighing I get up as I close my eyes moving a few feet away and say "if you're truly fine try getting and walking to me as you try to circle your magiculs".

Dione: My body tenses up at what he asks, I removed the covers on me as I'm sitting on the edge of the bed I struggle to get up and once I'm feet I start trying to walk to him as I try to circle my magiculs.

When I do I only take two steps, before my body gives out with Rimuru catching me.

Rimuru: Sighing again I say "see you can't even circulate your magiculs in your body or even make it 3 steps are you still really not going to admit to me what you did.

Dione: Sighing as we sit back on the bed I say"I guess it's no use in playing clueless yes I have forced my magiculs to regenerate in my body damaging my magiculs cells".

Rimuru: Dione do you understand what you have done to yourself by doing that?

Dione: mhmm if I didn't you wouldn't have been able to devour the orc lord and you would have been heavily injured or forced to retreat and we needed you to devour the orc lord.

Rimuru: I know about the demon seed which you're trying to avoid saying.

Dione: Haaa....let me guess Spatial told you didn't she.

Rimuru: yes when I found out that you could have died if I didn't give you some of my magiculs to regenerate yours and that I have to keep giving you some for a month so that you can recover so you can circulate your own.

Dione: Now that we have gotten that out of the way can we talk about you finally giving in.

Rimuru: Blushing, well it's just that I...umm.... looking away not knowing what to say.

Dione: giggling and grabbing his chin to have him look at me and when he is I kiss him on the lips surprising him as his eyes widen before closing them.

I break away and say "you're beautiful and I'm glad that you finally have accepted me as your true love".

Rimuru: To be truthful I had already accepted you when I found out it's just that my pride wouldn't let me change my appearance I mean I knew I would still be a man in the inside but you know.

Dione: I'm glad you were able to take that step, as I kiss him again he breaks away.

Rimuru: Are you sure you're ok enough to do this as I look at her with concern.

Dione: Seeing the concerned look in his eyes I kiss him again as he lays me on my back.

Wrapping my arms around his neck I pull away a little and ask did you keep your partner.

Rimuru: Blushing, I nod while I look away and say didn't you say that when I had accepted you, you would want me too.

Dione: Smiling again we start kissing, as we use our transportation skill to remove our clothes.

As we were kissing I moved my hand down to Rimuru partner and started moving my hand up and down as he moved his hand down to my neither region using his figure to go in and out of my hole.

Making us moan in each other's mouth, feeling his partner is ready and that my pussy is overflowing I flip him on to his back as I give him a kiss before I pull away.

Grabbing his partner and guiding it to my begging pussy that's ready to accept his key when he calls my name.

Rimuru: Dione are you sure about this.

Dione: Smiling I ask do you love me.

Rimuru: of course I do!

Dione: Leaning down I kiss him as I move my hip down on his dick making me jerk my head back and moaning ahhh as I feel it filling my insides with it length and width as it pulsates inside me while I grind my hips making us both moan.

Rimuru: Ahhh Dione t...h...this feels...so...good.

Dione: Rimuru harder...pound me harder as I feel him move is harder as he holds my hip as I'm going up and down making the slapping sounds of our bodies hitting each other.

When I feel his dick hit the door to my womb making me moan and ask Rimuru are going to cum inside me filling my baby room.

Rimuru: Only if you want me to.

Dione: Yes! yes do it fill me with your milk make it overflow as I lean down putting me facing in his neck as we speed up and the slapping sounds gets louder as the contact of our bodies hitting harder.

Dione: Yes....yes Rimuru I'm almost there keep going!

Rimuru: M...me...me to I'm about to...Ahhh!

Dione: Leaning back up I tossed my head back moaning as me and Rimuru cummed at the same time I felt the liquid filling me.

When he had stopped cumming, I got up moving his dick out of me as I laid on the side of him resting my hand on him as I laid my head on his chest as we were panting.

Dione: Smiling I say "if only the requirement was met I could have been pregnant but for now my body will just store it until that requirement is meet" when it does happen you better be ready.

Rimuru: Giving a wary smile as I laugh, and ask so it isn't fertilized until then.

Dione: Mhmm for our species to be able to get pregnant we have to be with our true love but also...

Rimuru: Mhmm? what is the other part.

Dione: I'll tell you at some point but just not now.

Rimuru: ok.

Dione: As I look up and kiss him on the cheek as I hold before we close our eyes to sleep.

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