
Chapter 1: Nona, Bless Her, Seriously


Nona's Cafe was a hole in the wall diner here on the outskirts of Reno. All kinds of people funneled in and out at all hours of the day and night. Having been a server for the past few years bouncing from state to state, it was all the same, and I could tell when someone was going to be a problem.

They would come in, all with the same, crinkled, sour look on their face, lips puckered and all. They would purposefully complicate their orders in the hopes that you would mess up organically. If you managed to get everything right, it would be cold, and not taste the same as we usually made it.

That's what I was currently dealing with at the register, all while Nona, bless her, was scampering about rushing to get late orders to the correct tables. I could only hope the lady would take a gift card and leave. She wouldn't though, she'd demand to speak to Nona, and put even more stress on the poor woman's plate.

It was near the end of my shift, and I had already politely shot down this woman's pitiful attempt at getting another free meal. To anyone on the outside of the conversation, I looked the happiest anyone could, nodding along, humming in mock agreement to this behemoth of a woman. Honestly, I was seething, and my smile, and quite literally, my paycheck, were the only things holding me back from donning a horrendous orange jumpsuit.

"Well, are you going to get the manager?" I inwardly cringe at those all too familiar words, but give a soft nod at the woman, smiling timidly. I wouldn't get Nona just yet. I was going to help tray the food coming up in the back, and then go get her in the hopes that the woman would leave if it took longer than a minute.

So, that's what I did, and had this been a cartoon, there would be steam pouring out the shrill woman's ears. Nona shuffled into the kitchen with dirty plates and looked at the trayed food with a grateful sigh. "Kinny, you are a life saver thank you!" Her wrinkled smile met my own and I gave her a nervous laugh. "Don't thank me yet Nona, the lady at the register wants you, and she makes the devil look like a saint." I took the dirty plates from her hands and she dusted off her apron. The woman hadn't left, and she had her hideous glare set on me.

"Oh, thats Gertrude, she's bitter, old, and I have no time for her nonsense today. Tell her Nona said she is banned until further notice." At her words, I was more than happy to oblige Miss Nona, and after I banned Gertrude, a cheerful smile plastered on my face the whole time, I wasted none in clocking out. As I grabbed my coat and the little tupperware of chocolate chip cookies, I saw Nona head into her office. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I shouted a quick goodbye to her and headed out of the diner and towards Rusty's, ready to end my day on a better note.
