

-----Yui's POV

Once the masked soldiers, along with Neri came through the gate, it didn't take long for the queen herself to come through. I was a bit confused as to why the queen of Yarene would simply walk through, but Kaede must've planned something.

Cecelia: "Kaede? What's all this about?"

Kaede: "I'm stopping this before it gets out of hand. This is the world where I originally came from, so I want it to remain intact. The same goes for your world, the world where I truly grew up in. I don't want these soldiers with their guns ruining everything."

She spoke in the other world's language, which left the humans in this world clueless. That said, they still couldn't get passed Kaede's barrier.

Neri: "You're asking for peace despite them coming into our world, killing our people?"

Kaede: "Yes."

Cecelia: "Why make this, portal, then if it'll come to this?"

Kaede: "I didn't expect for the crest to behave like that."

Even now, the crest is still forcibly open, much like a portal into another world. It's honestly scary, like we've just teared a hole in reality.

Kaede: "Look. These humans won't understand your language, so we'll act as a mediator. If things don't get better, then I'll step down."

Thanks to Kaede taking on numerous jobs in the beginning, helping the rest of us obtain blood to cure our hunger, Kaede's seen as quite a figure in Yarene. The same can be said in this world as she single handily brought the concept of magic into the human world. If anyone's going to pull this off, then it's got to be her. I'll try and support her the best I can.

And so, I turn to the human solders, who have now lowered some of their guns, probably in defeat of Kaede's barrier. Kaede mainly spoke with Cecelia, while I talked with the human general and soldiers. With two languages entering both our ears, it was a bit hard sometimes, but we managed to convey the other's words to the other side.

Of course, like what we already knew, the first mistake was when the human soldiers gunned down civilians in Yarene, sparking this whole thing. I don't blame the humans for doing so, as they've never seen demi-humans before. They'd think that they're monsters in their eyes, and that's exactly what they called them during my discussion with them.

Kaede ended up explaining what I heard from the general to Cecelia and the masked soldiers. Of course they took massive offence to being labeled 'monsters,' but Kaede managed to quell their anger all while maintaining her barrier. If it wasn't for Kaede's barrier of light, this whole discussion wouldn't have happened, guns and magic would be fired, more lives being lost in the process. And after around fifteen minutes of talking, we finally reach some sort of conclusion... I hope.

Cecelia: "I understand now, but that still doesn't help with the loss of my people. They need to be punished in some way."

Kaede: "Right, I understand."

I end up conveying what Cecelia and Kaede said to the general through Kaede's barrier.

General: "What? Do they want to kill some of my soldiers? Sorry, but that's not happening."

Kaede having overheard my conversation with the general conveys it to Cecelia.

Cecelia: "No, I agree with you Kaede. I would like to avoid any more bloodshed."

Kaede: "Then what kind of punishment were you thinking?"

Cecelia: "Well, it's not everyday you find yourself in another world. If they allow us to establish an embassy in this world, allowing us to learn more in this world, then I'd be fine with that.

At Kaede's nod, I convey what was said back to the general. His face contorting for a few moments before relaxing somewhat.

General: "If we're going along with that, then we'd also like to be able to research more about this 'magic.' I'd like for us to be able to enter that world as well."

Finally, we've reached some sort of meaningful discussion. Personally I don't think it's fair since the humans technically were the ones that started this mess. But regardless, Kaede conveys it to the queen.

Cecelia: "Fine by me. However, those 'guns' or whatever they're called. I'd like to ban them from entering. If they want to come to this world, to my city, then I can only agree to that if they abide by those terms."

Again, I convey her words. Personally I think it's reasonable. Humans without guns will be hopeless in the world of magic. If they mess up, they'd easily be dealt with.

General: "And how do you expect me to trust that woman?"

Cecelia: "And I can say the same for that man."

But it looks like we've reach a blockade in this discussion, which is to be expected considering how this all started.

Kaede: "We'll make sure that nothing bad happens on either side. I'll even sign whatever contract if needed."

Hearing Kaede say this was a bit surprising. So she plans on taking the center in this whole thing? But hearing her say 'we' does make me happy. I'm guessing Kaede and I will be split with dealing with both sides? I guess we'll have to see.

General: "Alright."

Cecelia: "I can agree with that. I trust Kaede."

The queen accepted it out of trust with Kaede, but the same can't be said with the general. But maybe after seeing that Kaede is able to push back both the humans and demi-humans at the same time, I'm assuming that the general has seen her in a new light.



With the conflict seeming to have finished, over time, the crest finally stabilized, now working normally like it did before. Once we saw that it was safe, Kaede and I finally left the cave.

We're to be expected to return to the cave tomorrow after both the General and Cecelia wanted to continue. But as of right now, we finally have a breather. Selene and the others will apparently be on guard, watching the crest in case any activity comes up, leaving Kaede to not worry as much over it.

Kaede: "What a day..."

Yui: "Mm..."

We both collapse on my bed at my parents place. Of course my parents were concerned about what happened, but relaxed after seeing as though we're alright.

Yui: "But at least it looks like we're getting somewhere."

Kaede: "I'm still worried about that General."

Yui: "I think we'll be fine. Might be tough at first, but once they start to trust one another, our job will be a lot easier."

Kaede: "Hehe. I honestly didn't think it'd turn out like this. Both worlds joining up? Will this world soon be filled with magic and the other world filled with guns?"

Yui: "Pfft, maybe~"

Right now though, I don't want to think of that. So instead of talking on about it anymore, I lean onto my side, wrapping my arms around Kaede as she ends up doing the same as we both hold each other close. With my head against her chest, I can still hear the sound of her beating heart.

Yui: "Mmmm~ I could sleep like this."

Kaede: "Hehe, your hairs getting quite long now."

I feel Kaede playing with my hair as she gently strokes my head. It's true that I haven't cut my hair once after trying to grab Kaede's attention before I got my memories back. It's been a long time since then and now my hairs now past my shoulder blades, nearly half way down my back.

Yui: "Still needs a bit more length though."

Kaede: "Hehe, don't worry about that. Even if you want to cut your hair, you can."

Yui: "Eh? But you said you prefer longer hair?"

Kaede: "Yeah, but my feelings won't change because of it. Do you expect me to only love you because of your hair? Pfft."

Yui: "W-well, no. But I also want you to be happy. Plus I've grown to like my hair like this."

Kaede: "Kay~"

Yui: "I'm just happy enough to be able to be with you like this..."

Saying that, I tighten my hold around Kaede, bringing our bodies even closer together. Feeling her warmth more closely along with her softness, I can't help but want more of it. And as I thought that, Kaede also did the same, putting a massive grin on my face.

Kaede: "Same here."

I end up looking up from her chest as our eyes quickly meet with one another. Seeing her eyes slowly begin to close told me all that I needed to know as I too slowly closed my eyes, and in the next moment, our lips gently made contact.

It didn't take long for our kiss to grow more passionate, as after several kisses, I found myself on top, with Kaede now wrapping her arms around me from underneath, undoing my bra with my shirt still on.

Yui: "Moving a bit fast don't you think?"

Kaede: "Fufu. But I don't see you complaining."

Yui: "Mm."

I resume our kiss, intertwining my tongue with hers as she slowly slips my shirt off of me. I also do the same, slowly undoing her dress, exposing more and more of her skin while not breaking away from our kiss. It didn't take long for us to only be left in our underwear, but I guess in my case I'm left in just my bottoms.

Kaede: "Hey, I wanna try something different."

Yui: "D-different?"

What does she mean by that? We've had sex numerous times, so this comes as quite a shock to me. What's different?

Kaede: "We can both bite into eachother's neck while we do it."

Yui: "W-what?"

Kaede: "Fufu. Come on, you're hungry right? I can see it in your eyes."

It's true that I might have a craving for Kaede's blood right now, but I'm more focused on the current situation. And she expects us to do that 'while' sucking eachother's blood?

Yui: "...Okay."

But my curiosity is too much to turn down. I've always loved Kaede drinking my blood as it always puts me in the mood, so what will happen when we combine the two?
