
Chapter 275 - Taunting

"Well you can try, maybe your daddy will help you," Aiden replied with a big smile as he knew that this girl was clearly dependent on her family and that she had probably never worked for anything in her life.

Those types of people were the ones which Aiden despised the most, those who were spoon-fed literally everything in their life, he had deep hatred toward them.

Was it jealousy?

He wasn't sure because to be completely honest, sometimes he did feel somewhat of those who were privileged.

Because when he compared their lives with his, the difference was so apparent that it made him a little depressed.

He imagined how his life could have been if he hadn't gone through anything and been given anything.

When he reached that point of imagining what his life would have been like he realized that he wouldn't be the same person, he wouldn't even resemble himself.
