
Chapter Twelve- Shades Of Pain

Davis’s family was contacted and the parents came to see him. They paid the bills and the date for the surgery was fixed. I only met Davis’s mum once and introduced myself as a friend to Davis.

On the eve of the day the surgery was to take place, I decided to stroll out to pick up my toiletries. When I got to the middle of the road I had this mixed feelings about moving ahead or going back to my room. I decided to keep moving because I needed my toiletries so much.

All of a sudden I felt someone's hands on my head and a piece of clothing was tied around my face and that was all I could remember. I found myself when I became conscious amid ugly, hefty men. “ Who are you and what am I doing here?

The tallest one that looked like a retired armed robber looked at me from head to toe and asked me to say my name and sighed.

“Who were you asking those numerous questions? You better cooperate with us or you'll not like the end of your story. Fool! “
