
Day Trip

Shadow's POV

Within a week we had communicated with the Ark. I was in the tent, talking to the Chancellor with Clarke. "Tell me about the grounder" Chancellor Jaha stated. "Can he provide any insight on how to survive winter?" Jaha asked us. "We're doing everything we can to prepare here, we're gathering nuts and berries and curing meats and digging for roots" I explained to him. "But the truth is, We'll freeze before we starve" I added. "There's good news on that front" Marcus Kane stated. "According to civil defense plans from the war, there's an old emergency aid depot not far from the landing site" He explained, holding up a map. "Here are the coordinates" He showed us. "In addition to supplies, it could provide shelter for the hundred and the citizens coming down from the Ark" Jaha explained. "What makes you think it's intact?" I asked him as Clarke wrote down the coordinates. "It was designed to withstand the nuclear warfare" Kane explained. "All right. It's worth a shot" Clarke stated. "Chancellor I have to object, Project Exodus is underway so the kids should sit tight in their camp until the first drop ship launches" A woman pointed out. "Even if everything goes without a hitch, the hundred would die from exposure before relief arrives" He stated. "I'd like a moment with Shadow, Alone please" The Chancellor adds. "And I know there's a line of parents waiting to talk with their kids" He added before everyone had left. Clarke left the tent "Shadow, we're all very proud of what you've done down there with Clarke your family--" I cut him off. "No! You don't talk about the" I hissed at him. "You...Killed my mother and father and older sister, You floated them" I hissed at him. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about" He spoke. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Clarke explained that when you all first got to the ground you were my son's only friend, Given our history I never expected you to even consider him" Jaha pointed out. "But Alas you were the only person he could trust down there, I want to thank you" He informed me. "Well...I didn't do it for you" I almost spit out. "Either way, I will give you something in return" He stated. "There's nothing you could possibly give me that I'd want" I pointed out. "No? How about the person who turned your parents in?" He asked. "Bring her in..." Jaha called out. My heart dropped when I stared at the familiar face. "Bethany?" I asked. I shake my head, feeling the hurt sting like a thousand bees. "You...you turn mom and dad in? Why?" I asked, tears forming at my waterline. "Why?" She repeated with a laugh. "It was all about the twins!" She hissed. "Protect the twins! Nobody could find out about the twins!" She hissed again. My bottom lip quiver under my teeth "You killed mom and dad!" I hissed this time. "No! You dumbass! I killed MY mom and dad" she corrected me. "What?" I asked. "They were never yours or Izzy's mom and dad" She pointed out. "Your lying" I shake my head. "You want me to prove it? Your mother and father are really Callie Cartwig and Marcus Kane" She blurted out. What? My breath hitched "What?" I asked her. "Yeah, The man that pushed the button to kill my mother and father is actually your father..." She hissed like a snake. "B-but..." I shake my head. "You're lying...You have to be" I gulped down. "I wish I was...I spent years covering for you two, But I wanted a life! I wanted..." She sighed. "So why are you telling me now?" I asked her. "Because I have nothing left...Don't you see?" She asked. "I lost everything!" She pointed to the screen. "Because my parents decided to take two little bitches in after Cece came to them crying about how she couldn't let Marcus Kane find out" She explained. "I wish they would've said no! God!" She shouted. "You are the reason my parents are dead" She accused me. "No!" I shot up. "YOU! You are the reason they're dead! You turned them in! You have only yourself to blame!" I screamed, leaving the tent. It couldn't the true, Marcus Kane couldn't be our father.

"Dax?!" Clarke called out. She stopped me "Have you seen Dax?" Clarke asked me. "He's over there" I sighed. Clarke walked over to him "Dax, you're up" She told him. I walked over to Clarke. "Can I talk to you?" I asked her. She nodded, following me towards my tent. I walked inside to see Izzy wasn't there. "I need to tell you something, something you can't tell anyone" I sighed. "Sure...I don't get why you don't talk to Izzy" She stated. "Do not tell Izzy, this will kill her" I say. Clarke knit her brows together in concern "Shadow, what's wrong?" Clarke asked, softly touching my arm. "Our older sister is alive" I informed her. "You mean Bethany? I thought she got floated?" Clarke asked. I shake my head "Apparently not and that's not the worse part" I say. "Marcus Kane is our father" I informed her. Her eyes went wide "A-Are you sure?" She asked. I shrugged "I mean, I don't know why she would lie, Look Bethany turned our parents in because of this and Izzy can't find out" I informed Clarke. "It would break her...I mean I'm trying to keep it together" I stated. "Okay, I have a plan" Clarke smiled. "Why don't you go see If Bellamy is up to check out that site with you?" Clarke suggested. "You can leave camp, be away from Izzy and have a clear head?" She suggested. "You're not coming?" I asked. "No...I have other things to take care of" She smiled. I see Bellamy walk out of the dropship. "Bellamy!" I say. "The answer is still no, I'm not talking to Jaha," He says. We had been trying to get him to talk with Jaha about staying here. But of course, it's always the same answer. "Hey, relax" I smiled. "It's not why I'm here" I stated. "What then?" he asked me. "The Ark found some old records that show a supple depot not too far from here" I explained. "What kind of supplies?" Bellamy asked me. "The kind that gives us a chance to live through the winter" I pointed out. "I'm gonna go check it out, I could use backup" I hinted, nudging him in the side. "Why not ask Clarke? Why me?" He asked me. "She has something to do, besides right now I don't feel like being around anyone other than you" I confessed to him. He smirked, thinking for a moment. "I'll get my stuff, meet you in ten?" He asked me. I nodded, heading out of the dropship. I walked into my tent, grabbing my bow and arrows. "and where are you off to?" Izzy asked, stepping inside. "Mission from the Ark, I'll probably be gone all day" I sighed, grabbing my jacket from my bed. "Need anyone to come with you?" She asked me. "No, you're not coming," I say to her. "It's not safe out there, last time you almost died" She pointed out. "This isn't like last time Izzy, I'll be fine" I slightly giggled at the fact she worries about me so much. "Doe..." She grabbed my elbow. "Shadow?" Bellamy poked his head inside the tent. "Let's get a move on," he tells me. Izzy laughed, shaking her head a little "Oh...I see" She smiled. "Go ahead, come back safe alright?" She pulls me into a hug. "I'm always safe" I smiled before walking out of the tent. I walked over to where Bellamy stashed a whole big bag of nuts in his gear. "That's a lot of rations," I say. "You do realize this is a day trip right?" I asked him. "A lot can happen in a day" He sighed as I grabbed some nuts and threw them into my bag before we headed for the entrance to the camp.

I popped a nut into my mouth "You know the first drop ship is gonna come down soon" I go on. "Pretty sure you can't avoid Jaha forever," I say to him. "I can try" He simply says. We climbed over a hill and I looked around to see the flooded place. "The depot is supposed to be around here...somewhere" I sighed. "There's got to be a door" Bellamy stated. "Maybe he'll be lenient" I suggested, changing the subject back to Bellamy and Jaha. "Look I shot the man, Shadow" He pointed out. "He's not just gonna forgive and forget" he added. I lowered my head, chewing on another nut. "Let's just split up, cover more ground" He suggested. "But stay within shouting distance" His arm touched my shoulder before he walked off. I walked the other way, knowing that was a hint for wanting to be alone. I looked for about an hour when I finally had seen something. "Bellamy!" I called out. He came closer "Over here. I found a door" I informed him. I moved the straw and dirt out of the way as he walked over. I try to lift the door but it wouldn't open. "I think it's rusted shut" I sighed. "Here...watch your foot" He stated, grabbing his ax out. He slammed it down, breaking part of the door "Okay give me a hand?" He suggested. "Yeah" I grabbed the handle and lifted it up. The door opened making me smile a little. "Ladies first" Bellamy offered. I stepped inside, walking down the stairs. When I got to the bottom I pulled out a flashlight and extended it to him. "Here," I say. "You really think this place hasn't been touched since the war?" Bellamy asked me. I grabbed out my own flashlight and turn it on. "A girl can dream," I say, giving him a smile before walking down the long hall. We turned the corner and walked down another set of stairs. I shined my flashlight to see the skeleton on the stairs. "Hell of a place to die" Bellamy stated. We walked down the hall and turned another corner. I see all the dripping water and mold. "So much for living in this place, it's disgusting" I scrunched my nose a little even at the smell. I didn't see anything yet, causing me to sigh "Damn it." We turned another corner "Anything left down here is ruined" Bellamy pointed out. We walked down another hall "They must have distributed most of the supplies before the bombs went off" I explained. Bellamy opened up a crate as I walked over to one, shining my light in it. "Hey, I found blankets," I say. "You're excited about a few blankets?" He teased me before throwing a glowstick down the way to see. I closed the crate "Well it's something" I pointed out. "How about a canteen or a medkit or a decent fricking tent?!" He snapped, pounding on metal lit. He opened it up and stuck his hand inside before huffing and backing up. I jumped when he kicked the metal can over "Bellamy..." I grabbed his arm. Clank! I knit my brows together when I see the guns fall out of the tin can. "Oh my god..." I whispered as Bellamy walked over to them. Bellamy picked one up, smiling at me from over his shoulder.

"This changes everything, no more running from spears" Bellamy pointed out, putting up a red sheet after getting more lighting. "Ready to be a badass, Shadow?" Bellamy asked as he walked over to me. I giggled, feeling a bit funny "I'm already a badass" I pointed out. "I'm not gonna fight you on bringing guns back to camp," I say as he keeps eating the nuts. "I know we need them, but don't expect me to like it" I poke him in the chest. "We're lucky the guns were packed in grease. The fact that they survived means we're not sitting ducks anymore" Bellamy says. "You need to learn how to do this" He added. "Come on warrior put down the bow and replace it with something better" Bellamy teased, using the nickname he'd given me long ago. I put down my bow and pick up the gun awkwardly. "So, I just hold it on my shoulder?" I asked him. "Yeah. A little higher" Bellamy stepped towards me, using one hand to touch my arm and the other pulling up the gun. He was so close I could feel his heartbeat against my back. "Yeah...that's good" he cleared his throat. "Watch and learn" he smirked with a cocky grin as he picked up a gun. I stepped aside as he aimed, squeezing the trigger. Click! Bellamy knit his brows together, cocking the gun and aiming it again. He squeezed the trigger and Click! "Still watching..." I snorted out a laugh. "My bullets are duds" Bellamy informed me. "Try yours" He suggested. I nodded, stepping around him and aiming the gun. I squeeze the trigger BANG! My mouth fell open and I giggled "That was amazing" I squealed. I then knit my brows together "Am I horrible for feeling that?" I asked, turning to him. Bellamy smirked, shaking his head "Try again" He says. I was so tempted but I couldn't. "No. We shouldn't waste the ammunition's" I pointed out. "You need to practice" Bellamy pointed out. "No, we need to talk about how we're gonna keep the guns around camp" I explained. "Where are we gonna keep them, and who has access to them" I suggested. Bellamy cut me off when he raised the gun, firing a shot. BANG! "You left Miller in charge of the grounder...you must really trust him" I smiled. "You should keep him close, the other listen to him" He advised. "I shout keep him close?" I repeated his words. I get closer to him "Bellamy what's going on?" I asked him. "You've been acting weird all day" I pointed out. I glanced over to his bag and then guns and it hit me. "All the rations you took" I get a little mad now. "You're gonna run, that's why you agreed to come with me" I accused him. His face said it all "You were gonna load up on supplies and just disappear" I added, hurt dripping in my tone. "So you're just gonna leave Octavia?" I asked him. "Octavia hates me. She'll be fine" Bellamy says. "You don't know--" He cut me off. "I shout the Chancellor! They're gonna kill me Shadow" He says. "Best-case scenario they lock me up with the grounder for the rest of my life and there's no way in hell I'm giving Jaha the satisfaction," He says. "Please Bellamy..." I try to grab his arm. "No! I don't have a choice, Shadow...I don't have Marcus Kane as a father to get me out of things" he shoved in my face. My breath hitched "Ho-how do you know?" I asked him. "I was walking by...I heard" He told me. I scoffed "Keep practicing. I need some air" He heavily sighed before walking away. I felt funny as I picked up my gun and aimed it. I knit my brows together when the target started moving. Everything begins to bend weirdly and I dropped the gun, turning around to see my father. "Dad?" I gasped, rushing over to him and hugging onto him tightly. I then knit my brows together, stepping back as I looked up at him. "You're not real, are you?" I asked him. "Sorry, kiddo. I wish I were" He tells me. "Wait...how is this possible?" I whispered. "I'm thinking why, more important than how" He informed me. "Why me?" He asked me. My bottom lip shakes as tears formed in my eyes. "Because I miss you" I sobbed. "Think there's more to it than that, kiddo" He smiled. I sighed "You want me to forgive Beth, don't you?" I asked. "No...I want you to forgive yourself" He says, coming and sitting next to me. "I know you blame yourself for your mother and I being floated, even a little blame on Izzy" He stated. "We got you killed...How can I forgive myself for that?" I asked him. He sighed, causing me to look away from him. "The disappointment look isn't fair" I stated. He chuckled "I'm trying...I'm trying all the time" I confess to him. "But there are too many people counting on me and it's so hard" I sobbed. "I know...come here honey" My father hugged me. "It's been tough, hasn't it?" He asked. "Marcus Kane is our father...isn't he?" I sobbed. "listen..." he pulled from me. "No matter what happens, I will always be your father and you two will always be my daughters and nobody can take that away" He whispered. "You need to forgive yourself, Shadow, because it was never your fault" He informed me. "I'm sorry...I can't..." I sighed. "Whatever...you crazy bitch" I hear a voice that isn't my father's and my eyes adjust to see I'm back in the building. "Dad?" I asked. Suddenly I felt someone hit me before everything went black.

I don't know how long I was out but my eyes shoot open and I remember someone had hit me over the head. I had to get to Bellamy, I had to warn him. I grabbed my gun after getting up off the floor and rushing out of the building. It's dark, the sky pitch black. I see Dax over with Bellamy, aiming a gun at him. "Nothing personal" Dax says as I sneak upon them. "Put it down Dax" I ordered him. He whipped around "You should've stayed down there Shadow," he says. "I tried not to kill you, but here you are and the Shumway said no witnesses" He explained. I looked over at Bellamy who's laying on the ground "What is he talking about?" I asked Bellamy. "Shumway set it up. He's the guard who gave me the gun to shoot the Chancellor" Bellamy confessed. "Walk away now, and I won't kill you" Dax offered. "Put it down" I ordered again. I wasn't leaving Bellamy here. "Your choice" Dax shrugged. I squeeze the trigger to my gun Click! When the loud bang goes off I ducked behind the tree. "No!" I hear Bellamy shout. I tried reloading the gun but it was jammed, so I tried again and then again when I gave up. "Get the hell of him!" I shouted, running towards Dax, only to have him punch me in the stomach with the gun. It knocked the wind out of me Bellamy stabbed Dax in the neck with a bullet as I dragged myself to the tree, breathing heavily for air. Bellamy comes over and I pulled him close to me. "You're okay.." I say. "No, I'm not" Bellamy shakes his head. "My mother...if she knew what I'd done...who I am" Bellamy choked out. My heart breaks for him "She raised me to be better, to be good" he explained. "Bellamy..." I whispered. "And All I do is hurt people" He pointed out. He sniffled "I'm a monster" He sobbed. I shake my head, climbing into his lap as I straddle him. "Hey...You saved my life today" I pointed out. "You may be a total ass half the time..." I grabbed his face with both of my hands. "But I need you" I confessed. "We all need you" I pointed out. "None of us would've survived this place if it wasn't for you" I go on. He tried to look away "You want forgiveness? Fine, I'll give it to you" I tell him. "You're forgiven, okay?" I asked. "But you can't run Bellamy. You have to come back with me" I pointed out. "You have to face it" I added. "Like how you're gonna face Kane and tell Izzy?" he asked me. "You're right...I don't want to face either of them" I say. "I don't want to face any of it" I shake my head. "Jaha will kill me when he comes down" Bellamy sniffed. "We'll figure something out...but you Bellamy Blake cannot leave," I say to him. "You can't leave me...." A tear form in my eye before I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him. "I can't do this without you...please" I begged him. "Okay..." He choked out. "But can we figure it out later?" He asked, placing his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me into a hug. "Whenever you're ready" I whispered to him.

We get back to camp "The grounders gone!" I hear someone call out as I carry a bag full of guns. "What if he brings others back?" A girl asked. "Let the grounders come" Bellamy spoke, making others turn to the both of us. "We've been afraid of them for far too long and why?" Bellamy asked. "Because of their knives and spears? I don't know about you but I'm tired of it" Bellamy and I both dropped the sacks full of guns and the crowd exclaims at the sight. "These are weapons, Okay? Not toys" I informed them. "And we have to be prepared to give them put to the guard when the dropship come but until then, they're gonna help keep us safe" I explained. "And there are plenty more where these came from" Bellamy pointed out. "Tomorrow we start training and If the grounders come we're gonna be ready to fight" Bellamy finished. As everyone walked away I see Bellamy staring at Octavia who's looking outside the camp. "Here...why don't you go talk to her?" I suggested, handing him a blanket. He smiled, walking off I watched him approach Octavia, putting a blanket around her. I walked into the tent and began setting up for the cell with Chancellor Jaha. I then walked out "Bellamy...it's time" I called out to him. He walked towards me a little before stopping and looking over his shoulder at Octavia. "That grounder escaping...was that you?" He asked her. "I had nothing to do with it" She lied, we all knew she was lying about it. He turned back to me "Thanks for the blanket" Octavia says as we begin walking into the tent. Jaha comes on "Mr.Blake I've wanted to talk to you for some time now" He pointed out. "Before you do...I'd like to say something" I cut him off, placing my hand on Bellamy's knee. "When you sent us down here...you sent us down to die" I explained. "But miraculously, most of us are still alive" I pointed out. "And large part of that is because of him...Because of Bellamy" I say truthfully to Jaha. "He's one of us and he deserves to be pardoned for his crimes, just like the rest of us" I pointed out. "Shadow I appreciate your point of view but it's not that simple," Jaha says. "It is. If you want to know who on the Ark wants you dead" Bellamy finally spoke. There's a long moment of silence before the Chancellor leaned forward. "Bellamy Blake, you're pardoned for your crimes" Jaha spoke. I couldn't help but smile at his words, Bellamy was able to stay. "Now, tell me who gave you the gun," Jaha says. "Shunaway" Bellamy stated.

When we got out of the tent and I let out a squeal "Bellamy...You can stay" I giggled. He pulled me into a hug, chuckling deeply. I take in his scent before slightly pulling from him, looking up at him I felt something I had only felt that one time with him. The emotion stirs in my stomach and Bellamy leaned down pressing his lips against mine. The electric feeling enters my lips as I begin kissing him back. I've felt this before with him, but I thought it had just been from being so upset. His hands grabbed the back of my knees and lifted me up. I couldn't help but squeal before slightly pulling away. I placed my hand softly on his cheek before smiling. "You are something else kitten" Bellamy smirked at the playful name before letting me back down on the ground. "I...uh should go check on Izzy...I'll see you later?" I suggested to him. "Yeah..." He winked at me, causing me to giggle before walking off.
