
Meeting God/Reincarnation

In a dark space, where nothing could be found, there was a small white ball floating without any goal. That small ball was ofcourse a soul, to be more precise a human soul. The soul was of a 60 year old male, he died fighting for his friends and family, but most importantly he was fighting for survival, his and the people he cared for. He has been on the battlefield since he was 25, first he was scared of killing, but later he didn't care who he killed as long as he could survive. After fighting for 35 years, he died. And not in a nice way but in a horrendous one. He was captured and tortured for 2 years before his death. He always believed that after death, he would end up in hell.

Right now the soul was looking around himself wondering 'where am i? Am I dead? Is this hell? If so then it's not that bad.'

The soul or better known as Paul kept thinking about his life, about the people he left behind, the things he liked.

As everyone already knew he was a soldier, but he didn't spend 24/7 on the battlefield. When he had free time he would read novels or fanfics, spend time with his family, and sometimes tinker with cars/technology.

While thinking about all of that, the poor soul did not notice a white figure hovering in front of him. The figure suddenly spoke.

"Hello there young one, before you start asking questions, yes you died, yes i am what you would call a god and yes you are here to be reincarnated." said god

Paul who was caught off guard was lost for words, it took him 1 hour to process everything that the being in front of him or god told him.

God on the other hand was a little worried for Paul. He knew that some people found it hard to understand or maybe just hard to cope with this kind of information. The god wanted to ask how Paul was doing but then he heard him speak.

"So i died huh, i already expected that but hearing it from a god just surprised me. And you told me I'm going to reincarnate, does that mean I'm not going to hell or heaven?" said paul

"Hahahaha, that's correct paul. You are getting a chance to reincarnate in a world of my choice, with 5 wishes. There is also something that i want your help with, of course you don't need to accept however if you do i will give you 1 extra wish. So what do you think?" said god

This all sounded like a one in a couple billion chance, Paul wanted to say yes however, before responding he at the very least wanted some clarification.

"Thank you for this chance god, before giving my response could i get more information, like what world i would go to and why you need my help?" said paul

Paul of course decided to speak with respect to the god, since this god was giving him a chance to live a second life and most importantly, he could delete paul from existence without batting an eye. Paul however had a really good impression of the god, he was talking in a very friendly and happy tone which made paul feel like he was talking to his grandfather.

"Hahaha good young Paul, always be on your guard. Never accept anything without thinking it through properly. The world you would reincarnate into would be twilight, and for your second question, well, you see it's a very long story, I need your help with a certain rogue god. Of course you will get 6 wishes and if you use them wisely you will have the power to grow strong, strong enough to reach godhood, but let me tell you about the said god and what i want you to do exactly." said god

God then began his story. Before everything came into existence, there was only him, the god of all. After living for uncountable years all by himself in boredom, the god decided to create something, or better said, someone. The god created a goddess and gave her the power of creation and love. since he didn't want to be alone all the time. After that he lived with her and they were happy with each other and loved each other very much, however after a long time they both got bored again. Deciding that it would be more fun if there were more beings they decided to create more gods, however these were lesser gods, who would then rule over planets where they would create other beings without divinity to live on. And so they did, they created unaccountable planets/univrses and humans, animals, insects, monsters and other beings. Each world created was different. One day a god that worked in the void, or what you would call heaven, didn't have a world to rule over. He didn't like being in heaven and doing a lot of work, he wanted to go to different worlds and rule over them, however the god of all and his wife made rules such as, each world is only allowed to have 1 god to rule over, and the lesser gods aren't allowed to move between the different world or walk amongst mortals. But that god didn't care he slipped away from heaven and found a way to go to different worlds and walk amongst mortals. Now, god and his wife cant go to those worlds directly since they wouldn't be able to handle god's power, and the lesser gods were not allowed to travel to other worlds, so with a lot of thinking and his wife helping him find a solution, they decided to have one of the mortals from the first created world to reach godhood and take care of the scaped god, of course the one chosen for the task would be allowed to go to different worlds after reaching godhood and would be exempt from the rules that the lesser gods follow since, he would reach godhood on his own, or atleast with a little help from the god of all.

Hearing the story that the god told him, paul didn't know how to react. He was just a human and for him to fight or maybe capture a god sounded like an impossible feat. however god told him that he could reach godhood and he would get 6 wishes so if he used them wisely he would be able to become stronger and stronger faster and he would be able to protect the ones he would come to care for. Thinking everything through, Paul responded.

"Well, god when you said that i would have to take care of the god, does that mean capturing him? Or would I be allowed to kill him?" said paul

"Well my child, I would rather you capture him, of course if you deem that impossible or if there would be too much risk for innocent lives to be lost then killing would be allowed. However, like I said I'd rather you catch him, how? That I'll leave up to you." said god

Paul started thinking, the non existent gears in his brain started overworking. After a couple minutes Paul came to a decision where he would take this offer and live his second life however he wanted without caring for anything.

"Alright god, I decided to take this chance you gave me. Also when I find the god you were talking about I will try and capture him. For now, could I get some time to think about my wishes?" said paul

"Of course my child take your time, that's something we have enough of in this place." said god while nodding

Now Paul started thinking about his wishes, first he knew this was a world of shapeshifters and vampires. He has read a number of fanfictions in this world where people would choose to be human. He of course didnt care he would make the best of these wishes he got. After thinking for some time he had decided the wishes he would make.

"Ahem! God? I have decided. For my first wish, I wish to be a vampire/werewolf hybrid like niklaus mikaelson from the originals with all his powers and the ability to make more hybrids without the blood of a doppelganger." said paul

God nodded and said

"Well child, that is acceptable, now go on."

"For my second wish, I want a system that I have complete control over. I don't want it to have quests, I only want it to keep track of my abilities and buy certain things from shops. I don't want it to have levels and I want the shop currency to be the currency that is used in the world where I will be going to." said paul

"Hmm, that is an interesting idea. I can do that for you but the things you can buy from the shop will be really expensive, so you should keep that in mind." said god

Paul nodded and found it reasonable.

"Then for my third wish i wish to have the technopath ability" said paul

Paul knew that with the technopath power things would become much easier for him especially in modern day. He could create new technology and make a big company, that would bring him a lot of money. Or if he needed something like a new identity or should he need to delete something from the internet it would be very simple for him to do.

God just nodded and signaled for him to go on.

" for my fourth wish i wish to have the gate of babylon power from gilgamesh with all of its treasures" said paul

"That is doable, however you will not be able to use ea until you reach godhood" said god

Paul just nodded since he knew that he was already overpowered, and he was already satisfied, still he would get as much as possible from his wishes.

Paul then asked

"God, do I get to choose how I look and my background story after my wishes or do I have to use wishes for that?"

"Well, since you will help me with a certain stray god you get to choose your background story and how you look apart from your wishes." god said

"Then for my fifth wish I wish to have the ability to create other abilities. Is that possible?"

God just laughed and responded

"Well child, that would be a little too much, though i will give you the power to create any ability you want, it will have some restrictions. You can only create abilities that will help you in a passive way. Like lets say, perfect memory or a mind shield like bella, teleportation, storage etc."

Paul nodded and thought 'that's still powerful so i have nothing to complain about.'

"Then for my sixth wish, I wish to have the ability to copy and improve other abilities. An example of that would be Edward's mind reading ability, if I copy It i would get the option to upgrade it in my system and after an upgrade I would be able to control people or plant suggestions in they're minds or move objects with but a thought. Would that be possible to have?"

"That's a pretty good idea there kid, sure that's possible. Now since you are finished with your wishes, let's get onto the next thing: what would you want your background to be?" said god

Paul thought about it for a little bit and said.

"I want to be born around 600A.D. I want an older sister that is completely loyal to me and is also a hybrid, we should be the first vampires or one of the first. my parents should be witches who made me and my sister into hybrids, after creating us something went wrong and they all died. I also want to get my memories about my previous life back 1 year before canon starts."

God nodded and replied

"Alright child that should be easy, you and your sister will be the sires of all the vampires, also i will sometimes visit you, in a mortal body that would at best be comparable to an ancient vampire, so to make everything easier i will put myself in your sisters memory as your grandfather and my wife as your grandmother in case she would want to come down there, is that alright with you?"

Paul just nodded since he wouldn't mind being the grandchild of the two most powerful gods. and at least his sister would have 'grandparents', so all was good.

"All Right, now since that's finished let's get on with your looks, you can think about the image you want and all the details and were done." said god

Paul started seriously thinking about his looks 'hmm i should go with heterochromia eyes one purple and the other gold, as for my hair color i should go with white? No, that's cliche, hmm, maybe i'll go with gold and streaks of gray, no i will go with gray and streaks of gold with the tips purple like my eyes. As for my looks, I'll just choose to look like Sung jin woo. That should be it.'

As paul wanted to tell god about his decision god cut him off saying

" It's all right my child, I have heard your thoughts and I know what you want to look like. Now since we are finished here, I'll send you on your way and if you want to contact me I'll have my number saved in your mind or system, just think about it and you will know. Goodluck my child, I hope you find happiness. Also don't forget to work hard and reach godhood. I will also make a small change in that world that you will probably like. We will see each other soo bye bye"

Without even giving Paul a chance to respond, the god sent him away on his journey.

first time i wrote something. also im just doing this for fun if you dont like the story then just fuck off.

NotaGodcreators' thoughts