
Desperate Pursuit (1)

A rumble shook the heavens and a star fell from the sky, covered by golden and white flames that shredded through the surrounding space like a hot blade through snow. Behind it were thousands of dark cloudy beings with various ethereal lights emerging from their bodies as they chased the falling star, their cries of rage were like thunder.

The falling star slammed into the black ocean below and raised a wave that was a mile high, and the impact did not decrease its speed a bit, but the falling star did not descend to the bottom of the ocean like any other heavenly body, instead, it rotated in place in a mystical fashion, leaving millions of bright glowing white runes imprinted in the ocean, before it vanished.

These runes transformed into millions of golden and white stars that were the same as the falling star and they scattered in all directions, shooting out with great force and speed, matching, and then exceeding the speed of a lightning bolt.
