

The face of the child went pale at this information, he licked his lips in fright,

"If this danger can kill billions, how can I stand against it alone? I am strong, but I don't think I can even fight against what could threaten the entire society of Blood Blessed, there has to be another way, there is too much at stake for the entire plan to be resting on just my shoulders."

Lost tapped the shoulder of the boy and winked, "Hmm, these shoulders seem especially strong for someone of your age, besides, who says you will be alone, I will be there with you, every step of the way, and if we hurry, we might be able to delay the battle long enough for the Creator to complete his great works and then we would be able to meet him in person. Avoid confrontation as long as possible."

The eyes of the child went wide, the thoughts of the great danger ahead pushed aside, 

"Can we see him?"

Lost looking at the sudden change in behavior smiled,
