
Heretical Combination

The chains around the sword surged up to fifty-four billion, whereas in a moment before, it was barely two billion. The glow from the great sword had lessened a great deal, and now it was almost as if Rowan was swinging a sword made from chains.

Rowan's bright eye grew dull, and the fourth dial that was about to move stayed in place, at his present level and soul strength, he could only move three dials. He suspected that if he merged his soul with his dimension he should be about to move at least seven dials, maybe the entire nine.

However, he did not stop swinging the Destroyer, because the Time Stack was simply on cooldown, and before long it would be available again.

Fueled by his ever-growing and extremely powerful soul, his Time-based abilities did not take long to refresh and in another hour he could use it once more, and now the extremely heretical nature of this power revealed itself when paired with the nature of his Ouroboros bloodline.
