
Beneath The Waves

Rowan held his head and he groaned. Like the previous memories he had that seemed to have happened yet, he had to recollection of, this one was longer and hit him like a brick, and what he found most interesting about it all was how deeply he could read the thoughts and emotions of everyone in the memory, it was as if he had become a part of everyone there. 

"How strange, all of these pieces fit into an overall whole that I am not seeing yet."

There were many strange occurrences going on with the retrieval of his consciousness, making him reconsider his plans every time he made discoveries, but Rowan had learned to always keep his plan fluid, in this manner there was no way he would be suffering excessive losses when things did not go his way as they most likely would.

Peering into his consciousness with his powerful soul he observed that he now had access to new abilities, and it was an unexpected one—Hollow Forge.
