
Sanctified Scion

Rowan observed these two figures that emerged from the head of the titan, clad in green armor that appeared to be made from stacks of metallic leaves, they were tall, around eleven feet, and their body even under the armor appeared to be quite lean, and their movements was like a panther, all grace and speed. In a synchronized motion both of them removed their helm revealing their features to him.

He was surprised by how closely their features resembled the Dominators from the Bacchus Family, under the Pathway of the Wanderer. Which spoke of the clear relation between his siblings and the Eldar, and he wondered if every single bloodline of Trion was somehow reflected here.

They had long blond hair that was almost white, and their features were elfin, with large eyes blazing with the green of life, a prominent nose, and thin lips. Although they were handsome, almost beautiful, there was something that suggested great age in their demeanor.
