
A Traitor And A Betrayer

Without access to multiple consciousnesses, it was a bit difficult for Rowan to separate his deeper introspection while analyzing every detail of the memory he was watching.

He silenced his chaotic thought process and focused on what was happening at the moment, he would analyze these memories later, what was important was not to miss any slight clue that came up. He would not have the advantage where another godly being would tell him all the answers to his questions.

Every answer he would receive must be fought for, and no one was here to help him if he made a wrong conclusion from the data he collected. Rowan would rather have it this way, he trusted no one, not even reality, and only wisdom and a firm mind would lead him through the countless dangers in his path.

With this in mind, he concentrated on the memories, specifically on the armored figure sitting on a throne made from wood.
