
You Sound Like A Broken Clock

From the glimpses from his past, he knew he had seven siblings, and he was the last born. Unlike him, who was born from the union of his father who was a Reflection of a Primordial, and his mother, the acclaimed Empyrean of Life, the rest of his siblings were all born from the essence of his mother alone.

This made them deeply connected with nature and therefore made them creatures of instinct; they were more alike to forces of nature like hurricanes or earthquakes.

Although Elura loved her children it also pained her that they were powerful but lacked wisdom. Rowan knew how difficult it was for creatures of great powers to have children, it was a feat that was almost impossible, and although Elura had succeeded seven times, there was a price to be paid.

Whether it was due to pride, or love or she was deceived, his father had convinced her that he could help her with this problem, and she had agreed. The payment was to be the union between both of them.
