
The Height of Talent

The gem beside him had grown as big as an apple and Andar brought it to his mouth and took a big bite, it crunched as if he had bit into glass, and he nearly moaned in pleasure as the Essence of vitality he just ate was very delicious.

Andar felt every cell in his body begin to cheer and loosen up as if anticipating the feast to come. He would have to disappoint them and give them only this tiny amount of vitality, he needed to forest transform his Spirit Matrix before he could transform his body.

He ate the rest of the vitality gem in quick short bites and directed more of his unique Spell to move ahead of him, he spammed the Spell twice as fast as before, but he still forced himself to move at the same speed and not rush his ascent to the Crown.

Haste makes waste, and every step he took was to prepare him for the second great step in his life, which was to become a Mage.
