
Divine Blood Pouring Like Rain

The blood of the gods falling around Rowan shone with a multi-colored light that made him appear to be in the midst of falling stars.

His body flashed with a golden light and he reappeared in the middle of two gods, sweeping his Axe in broad strokes in a semicircular fashion, he sliced both of them apart through their waist with a single blow, and before both of them could scream, a horizontal slice bisected both of them from their head to their crotch, and the two gods fell apart in eight portions.

In a few short months, Rowan's battle capabilities had experienced a change that was night and day than his previous methods of just hitting as hard as he could.

Rowan's weapon moved like the wind—formless and he struck like lightning—Fast. The weight behind his blows was heavier than a mountain range, he was a walking portent of death and doom.
