
Activating The Formation

This god no matter how ancient he was, would never understand the reason why Rowan would want to butcher gods, he would never understand his motivations, no matter how smart or how experienced he was, since he did not understand the effects of Rowan's power and Soul Energy, he would never be able to stop him or counter Rowan's action.

"I am curious," Rowan said, "Are you saying all this nonsense because you believe what you are saying or you just love the sound of your voice, or… you are just waiting for the Formation behind you to be completed?"

Tenma's eyes suddenly lit up, "So you understand the allure in my voice!"

"How could I not?" Rowan smiled, "When you are beating it into my head."

Shario in the distance frowned and muttered to herself, "Are they flirting?"
