
Fate or Blind Luck?

Rowan was delighted at this new application of his Intent and in fact, this was the chief reason he had been able to make it inside the Divine Kingdom of Murrihm, The Star Gazer.

Rowan had filled Murrihm's Divine Body with Intent and infused that Intent inside every single fiber of the god's body.

Of course, such an intense violation of the flesh would lead to the death of most creatures, including a god, he had expected all that.

Yet, a god could remake their flesh easily with their Divine Essence, and the true tyranny of the Berserker Intent at the Origin Stage showcased itself, for although Murrihm spent time in the void trying to get over the violation of his flesh inflicted in the hands of Rowan, once he had remade his body however, Rowan Intent returned with his new flesh.
