
The Gaze of The Universe

Rowan could as well imagine what the Narghal Tyrant would be feeling right now.

To the Narghal Tyrant, Time was linear, he had just successfully attacked Rowan twice and had won their short confrontation, and he was about to continue his attack to further push his advantage before he suddenly found himself devoid of energy, his Blood Pillar above on the verge of destruction and his Tribulation Ring about to be extinguished.

To add salt to injury, he could feel a purer source of Berserker Intent that did not come from him, but from the Mortal who had a much weaker grade of Intent, a second ago.

"What unholy madness is this?"

The first thought that occurred to him was Time Manipulation, but one that was so profound it went against all universal laws he knew should be possible inside a material universe!
