

Urroghat followed the trails of his prey through two other planets, and now he had them within his sights, everyone in the bar turned towards him, and he saw no god here.

The look of realization and fear in the hearts of his target, made him grin. Sometimes the hunt itself was far more pleasurable than the results.

Walking with quick steps to their side, he raised his hands, "The two of you know someone I need, come with me, or else the results…"

"I am sorry your Eminence, but that is against the rule of this tavern and this planet, you shall not commit any acts of coercion or violence while you are here. This planet is under the rules of the Gods of Trion and you are in their Controlled Space, their will on this matter is inviolable.''The Tavern Keeper that had just served Circe and Archimedes appeared in front of Urroghat and stopped him from reaching the trio.
