
Rank 0 Berserker Script- Smash

Andar corrected, "Giving us a name. We are all one and all, Limit Breakers!."

Mira looked at him deeply, the thoughts in her mind were chaotic before they settled and then she nodded. "Tell me about such strategies before you implement them next time."

Andar distractedly replied while looking to his left, "Er, it's nothing that profound, it is a common technique to bring a sense of loyalty and shared interest into a group, your superb organizational abilities certainly helped create this dynamic. Hey, Mira, look what we have here."

She had finished rolling up both sleeves and looked towards Andar's gaze, a few hundred feet away she could see a panting youth. He should be the Spirit Body that went ahead of his group and began penetrating through the cloud first.

He barely managed to break through the cloud below and he looked at them with surprise in his eyes before the cloud closed up behind his descending figure.
