
Meditation Arts.

"Nice to see you too Mira," Andar said sarcastically while pushing the glowing map aside.

It would be foolish to regard this girl as someone who was just pretty without any depth. Anyone who had that assumption would be very wrong, Andar had never seen anyone who was more driven at this age.

He could not help but tease her. The reason she barged into his room and went straight to the point was that she did not want to waste any single time on extraneous affairs and Andar was the only one she deemed worthy enough to collaborate with and take the time to get to know him better.

Like Andar, she was also born with great talent and a Spirit Body, but her grade of talent and Spirit Body could never be as ridiculous as his own. She had a grade six White Rank talent, and a grade five Purple Spirit Body, and in comparison, Andar had an unranked grade talent that surpassed the Supreme grade which was colored black, and also an unranked grade Spirit Body.
