
Silver Mountain

The merger of his Reflection with Andar was seamless, he was still Rowan but his mannerisms and goals had been replaced by Andar's. It was a con Rowan was familiar with, he would play the role of someone else so well, that he would become that person. He did it once inside the Nexus, he was doing it again now.

The collapsing stones began to be sucked into the void at the other side of the gate. This was the first step to awakening a Spirit Matrix.

Your gate was devoured as fuel for your Spirit Matrix to be born. The commotion was great, almost as if a thousand earthquakes were simultaneously happening.

Andar watched the last of his gate get sucked into the void and he waited for the next step. Even after it seemed like an eternity.

He knew that time was malleable during the awakening, and also he understood that his gate was beyond comparison. For something of that size to ignite, it would mean…
