
Great Changes (final)

To live in a world outside the influence of the Empire was a dangerous thing, and many worlds employ the assistance of powerful Dominators to aid in their protection. From mercenary companies that numbered in the hundreds of thousands to powerful Dominators and other strange powers in the universe.

 Yet, the remnants left behind by the obvious battle were troubling, because there were none. No bodies left. Except for the devastation of war signified by crumbling buildings and vast areas of scorched earth, nothing to show millions or billions of people died here could be seen.

All the worlds Absomet left behind on her chase after Augustus were silent and dead. This was the work of an Abomination Core, most likely Lamia, but this pattern was uncharacteristic for an Abomination, usually they would find a nest in the foremost world they could pick and then they would slowly devour it, while creating thralls to funnel more prey down their throats.
