
The Gods of Trion

The hovering daggers began to melt, the diamond like material of its makeup started to morph into shining bones, and the scented mist created flesh, blood, hair, even clothes and armor. In a single breath, seven deities manifested themselves in the flesh.

At first, they were all genderless, and in the upcoming moments, distinctive features began appearing on their bodies as the scented mist created by the many deaths of the children of Elysium went to work. Hair of different shades, length and textures, masculine and feminine bodies, and outstanding armor and clothing covering them, and the gods of Trion walked the earth once more.

Their arrival brought with it no fanfare, no parade of lights or sounds, just seven figures hovering quietly in the air with eyes closed, as the Aether in the entire valley of Elysium streamed silently into their bodies.
