
The Dancing Girl

Valen frowned as there should be no way such an intrusive smell could reach him, he pressed a flashing light by his waist and went back to his thoughts, but after a few seconds he received no reply from his butler and then he cursed out loud, more heads would roll for this oversight.

Then with an annoyed groan, he released his Spirit Sight to scan through his immediate surroundings and saw no one around and all the major lighting was switched off except for candles set far apart, but he did not really need light to see, and all was peaceful, which immediately struck him as suspicious. 

For a man of his station it was impossible for his surroundings to be empty. Assistants, Guardsmen, butlers, servants, the list goes on, it was an uninterrupted stream of people that swirled around him at all times, but sometimes in the past few moments when he was deep in thought, everyone around him had disappeared.
