
Kill A God To Earn A Name

He was going to be making a large play, and the pieces would have to be in place before he made his move because he knew if he was going to reveal himself to the world he had to use a blitzing strategy that would leave no room for his enemies to retaliate and when they do, it would already be too late.

It may already be too late for him, but Rowan felt he still had a chance. His actions led to the death of 453,000 people, he knew that because he had consumed those souls. He only had to remind himself he was not human but an Empyrean, doing any less would not only condemn him but every one else.

Pushing that grim thought from his mind, he switched to Suriel who showed him the golden rat tracking him underneath the ground, and Rowan ordered the Lady of Shadow to cloud its mind and keep it in place, and he closed his eyes and waited for the Ouroboros Serpents to return to him.
