
The Son of Scarlet (2)

His energy cloak was a success, and the Aura his Aether gave off was chilling and forbidden; he transformed into a figure that could give grown men nightmares.

The shadow from the hood covered his face in darkness, and Rowan sighed as he still had a slight regret of not using the flames of Flesh Light to make his first energy clothing.

He consoled himself with the fact that this one was better than ever, plus its defensive ability was nothing to scoff at, even though it was not really Rowan's purpose when he created the cloak.

Now that he had experimented and perfected the formula for his energy cloak, as he decided this was the name he would be calling it, he dispersed it, and it vanished into bright sparks, and he remade another in less than five seconds his hands moving in a blur, creating the sheet took two seconds and the energy cloak from it took three.
