
A Palace Hidden Underground

"I am a Scion of Tiberius, the God of War and my fate is of endless battle, my only worth to the Ancestor is on the battlefield, the clash of my blades, a melody to him, and my bloodshed in war is my oblation." The more he spoke, the General became more solemn, as if he were reciting a rite.

Rowan was silent, for the first time the emotions of the General matched his words, but the melancholy he was sensing from him got washed away and was replaced by expectations and greed.

They arrived at a massive black gate that had numerous mystic runes embossed on the surface.


All these while, Rowan's mind had been split into multiple parts, it was a talent that was a massive help to him, he could focus on multiple agendas at the same time. It was a talent that would push his multitasking capabilities to extreme heights, and at the moment he could split his mind into seven portions.
