
Know Thy Fear

"Now, this is interesting… What was that burst of laws? Time? A spark of Origin? Hmm... This is getting fascinating, what is that bastard up to? Time to shake up your waist, old girl, while it's still fresh, let's find that little bastard and tear his memory open."

Absomet would never leave her position to find out the cause of death of the current General that she had to house for the next century, but if she sees any indicator of a Spark of Origin, she would chase after it.

Did Augustus know about this change when he made his plans?

The Enormous shape of Absomet shuddered, and the clouds for countless miles evaporated into steam around the continent.

Absomet drew in a long breath and cloaked herself in red shadows and purple lightning.

A lady never goes out without looking her best.

For the First time in Four thousand three hundred and twenty-eight years. Absomet moved.
