
Origin Treasure

If Rowan harbored any misconceptions about her intelligence in his heart, he hastily discarded it.

Rowan decided to probe her words a bit, "Why do you call me a Spawn of the Stars?"

"The answers to your questions are clear, even to a blind mortal. I call you a Spawn of Stars because you are not one of us. I am a child of this world, and although our histories have been maligned by the gods, we still have our birthright. Trion is in my blood and everything else, but she does not dwell within you.


This was not how my story was supposed to end. My light was supposed to illuminate an entire era!

General Augustus Tiberius had a single second left to live.

He had given his all. He had excavated every single iota of power in his body. Technically, he was already dead an hour ago. His body had been repeatedly destroyed, his foundation scattered, and his source blood had covered the ground until the horizon ended.
