

He had the urge to curl up and escape from this vision, for the fragility of his flesh brought him great discomfort. The imperfection of his vision, the pitiful capacity of his lungs, and the many minor aches of a mortal body nearly drove him insane with disgust. 

He couldn't even take in a full breath because part of his nostrils were blocked, and he felt an itch beginning to grow in the crook of his back. 

He closed his eyes and strived to clear his head, his mortal mind made it difficult, he had ignored how much his massive Spirit made such an activity, for him, effortless. But this mortal flesh held too many concerns that battled for his attention. 

He began trying to remember how his massive Spirit had made him feel, luckily he always had a great recollection, and as he remembered that state of being, it began to settle over his consciousness. 
