
We Have Been Betrayed!

The two charging Guardsmen were a feint, for they had brought enough time for the last Guardsman to set up his crossbow. A flurry of red-tipped arrows flew at him. Rowan slapped the first away nonchalantly, and his eyes crinkled slightly before it exploded, barely pushing his hand back, but the damage was already done.

The remaining arrow covered his body, but Rowan simply blocked them, by raising the creature in his right hand as a shield, but the explosion was unexpectedly massive. The exploding arrows seemed to undergo a chain reaction when many of them exploded at once, for they threw him backward over the table into the sidewall, which soon became covered in flames and smoke, as the Guardsman did not stop firing until his quiver was empty.

Rowan's soft sigh came from the flames, and a glimmer of gold and green shone through the flames, and the flames were blown away.
