
The Delusions of a Frog that never stared at the Sky Part 1





/A bit before, upstairs…/


"... Well then… I'll be leaving now miss Yumi…" Fray said with a thin smile as he turned around

Fray was a handsome man, to say the least, his short blond hair coupled with his exotic green eyes and roll of white teeth made him the picture-perfect prince charming...

Adding his casual yet elegant clothes, a white t-shirt and a pair of brown pants, together with his shortsword strapped to his waist and his chiseled muscles under all of that made for quite the eye candy for most...

There was a reason why he won so many ladies' hearts, all of this would already make many fall, but with his confident disposition brewed over many years of mental training under a Veteran Mercenary, and his refined tongue, few girls would resist him.

Much less, Village girls...
