
The Frontier of the End Part 2: Awakening

[Location: East Border Gate - Kingdom of Tevell]

[4 week and 2 day have passed]

The situation did not improve despite Celes' increase in power thanks to her Limit Break, she was unable to cause real damage to the demon since no matter how many times she managed to hurt him. his wounds healed very quickly and in the end she only managed to exhaust herself more and more with each second.

"Damn you Celes, why did you have to go so far for me"

The frustration and anger that I felt at feeling helpless while she was risking her life consumed me slowly, I pulled with everything I had but the chains kept me immobile on the floor.

-Ozroth: Guahaha! How long will you continue like this woman? the effect is about to end and when that happens, you will be at my mercy.

-Celes: Then I just have to finish you off before that happens!

Despite the constant offensive that Celes demonstrated, the demon did not seem to show even the slightest sign of concern, knowing that it was only a matter of time before she lost all her power and would be defenseless.

-Zyrus: I have to do something... or she... she...

Trying to resist thinking about the more fateful future only makes my frustration increase and tears begin to pool in my eyes. Seeing the already exhausted Celes resisting the fight against the demon unconsciously the memories that I formed with her during the journey came to me.

"Celes, since we met, we've been together, when I didn't even know how to fight, you protected me, when I didn't understand something, you were there to teach me, when I decided to use the sword you supported me"

Little by little Celes' attacks became slower and less aggressive, her wounds began to affect him and the demon took advantage of those moments to attack.

"When I gave you the chance to leave, you decided to stay by my side, there being so many better people than me, you decided to become my Knight and you have been with me ever since, you are the person I trust the most in this world, that's why I. ..I"

Finally, Celes ended up falling, leaning on her knee and holding her sword with both hands for support.

-Celes: (Spitting Blood) Not yet...It's not over yet...I still...I can still fight.

-Ozroth: Guehehehe your luck ran out woman, I hope that child is watching how I tear you apart member by member.

Celes' Limit Break had vanished and she could barely stand up but in her state she could no longer face the demon who was approaching her to deliver the final blow.

"Since I saw her fight for the first time, I always saw Celes as someone very strong capable of dealing with anything but deep down I knew that she was still human and that she was not invincible, so I decided to fight and I did not want to see her take risks"

As the Demon approached her, Celes did everything possible to resume her stance but her body, exhausted and wounded from her, prevented her from doing so and now she is only seconds away from seeing the demon's blade upon her.

-Zyrus: That's why I... I...

"Conrad: Stop thinking of the Blessing as an ability or a spell, you shouldn't force it, it should come naturally like when you breathe"

I took a deep breath, I felt how my emotions mixed with each other, I stopped forcing my body and relaxed all my muscles to the point where my body began to feel lighter but also harder.

-Zyrus: That's why I too...I'M GOING TO PROTECT HER!!

I felt how my body was overflowing with an indescribable force and with that force I pulled the chains and only by releasing that power inside me was I able to destroy the chains that tied me to the floor.

-Ozroth: What!?

-Celes: (Gasping) My... My Lord?

An intense silver-blue aura overflowed from my body. It wasn't a total control I had over it but I could feel it, I could feel that sensation again, it wasn't the desire to protect or be stronger, it was the desire to change destiny.

-Ozroth: What is that!? What are you!?

I took my sword from the ground and while I saw the huge demon run frantically against me, I almost felt like my body was acting of its own free will and with the same flash wrapping my body in a second I passed through the demon cutting the arm that was holding its blade.

-Ozroth: Ggguaaahh! I-Impossible, how can it be so fast!? but it doesn't matter, this wound will heal like the rest and-

But he realized what was happening too late since he saw his arm still cut and dripping green blood to the floor at that moment he panicked when he saw that his healing didn't work.

-Ozroth: W-What's going on? Why doesn't my wound heal!?

-Zyrus: It will not heal, with this power your healing is useless.

-Ozroth: What are you talking about!? How is it possible!? who... who the hell are you!?

I turned to see the demon who couldn't believe what was happening, I looked at him with a serious and penetrating look.

-Zyrus: I am Zyrus Corvus and I am the one who will defeat you!

-Celes: (Gasping) My...My Lord...I'm glad...you finally got it...

-Zyrus: Celes...thank you for protecting me now it's my turn to do it.

She dropped to the floor knowing that she shouldn't try anymore but she still consents to see me fight with my power released.


The demon's frustration could be seen in his eyes who, despite being arrogant before humans a few moments ago, now felt true terror in front of one.

-Ozroth: A Greater Demon like me, can't afford to lose against a worthless human!!

Full of anger at the way the situation had changed, the huge demon charged at me launching his spells but they would be of no use, neither did his chains affect me nor did his attack magic hit me.

"It's very different from last time, I can move more easily, is it because of the training I had with Conrad?"

I was able to maintain control of my body more easily than last time I assumed it was because of the long mental and physical workouts Conrad put me through this week so I wanted to see how far I could go. The moment I saw the opportunity I jumped with the flash at high speed towards his head and with one attack I cut off a horn.

-Ozroth: No! This....This can't be real! A human can't have that much power!

-Zyrus: I should make you pay for all the humans you killed but I prefer to end this quickly so be prepared!

-Ozroth: Don't make fun of me! you are the one who must prepare to die!

A strange shiver ran through my body, something strange and different, almost as if my mind was telling me what to do and my body was adjusting to its orders.

-Ozroth: Die, you insignificant human!!

-Zyrus: Here I go, with all my might! [Spectrum Slash!]

In an instant before the demon got close enough to me I took a quick step with the flash and making a quick slash at the desperate demon, I continued slashing with the quick speed of the flash multiple times, causing multiple wounds all over his body. until finally I stopped in front of him and leaned the sword back with both hands for more power and launched a large slash in the shape of a huge energy blade that split the demon in half.

-Ozroth: (Dying) No...this...cannot...be...my Demon King...please...forgive me...

Finally the demon fell on his back split in two and his body slowly disintegrating down to his bones which cracked and turned to dust.

-Celes: (Gasping) You...You... did it... My Lord...

-Zyrus: (Gasping) Ahh...it's over...I'm...so tired...

Celes ended up passing out from exhaustion while I was still standing but when the overflowing power of the Blessing vanished from my body, it left me exhausted and finally I fell on my back to the ground looking at the sky until I ended up losing my consciousness.

"What is this? My mind wanders again"

An image began to appear, it was my old classroom on a normal school day, I remembered those quiet days where I didn't care about anything other than my studies and although they were very ordinary days, unlike others, I couldn't ask for anything more.

"Ahh... I remember, I never had any kind of school drama or anything like that, I considered myself a very dedicated student"

While I was remembering those peaceful moments of my life, something began to happen with that image, it was distorted and like television static effect another image was overwritten. It was the same classroom but there was something different, there were other students sitting around me talking to me.

"And this? I don't remember something like this ever happening, what happens now?"

There were other students talking to me and laughing as if we were good friends but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't make out their faces, they were blurred by static but I could see three girls and two boys in the group and I was part of them which made me feel some nostalgia but also confused.

"Why do I feel like this? Do I know them? But I've never had a group of friends during my school life... could these be someone else's memories?"

-????: ...ke up...se...

The more I tried to know who they were, the more difficult it was but inside I felt that I knew them even though none of them looked familiar.

-????: Wa...eas...ord!.

Finally I heard a voice, trying to wake me up but I was clinging to that blurry image. I really wanted to know who those people were.

-????: ...ake up...pleas...M...Lord!.

Little by little the image faded because of the voice that tried to wake me up until I finally managed to open my eyes slowly, what I saw was Celes' worried and hurt face.

-Celes: My Lord, thanks to the Divinity that you woke up, I was worried that you would fall into a coma again.

-Zyrus: Celes... that's good, we're both alive.

-Celes: That's right...it was thanks to you that we survived.

-Zyrus: But what about you? you're hurt and also...

-Celes: Don't worry, I already applied healing magic on myself and you and my body, although it's somewhat weak from using Limit Break, I can still move.

I felt relieved to know that she was fine and although that image was still spinning in my head, I had to pay attention to what was happening around me, I looked at the sky and saw that it was already dark, the gate was destroyed and the corpse of the Knights were still there.

-Zyrus: Well, at least we managed to stop the demon and save Galma, right?

-Celes: A-About...that My Lord...

She had a worried and sad look as she looked towards the side of the town and I curiously and with a horrible feeling, turned behind me to see the town hoping that everything would be the same but what I saw confirmed that feeling.

-Zyrus: But... what... what the hell...

I looked at the town from afar and my whole body was paralyzed to see what had happened while we were unconscious, the entire town had been burned and only smoke and ruins were left in its place, I couldn't believe what had happened but what tormented me the most was why it had happened.

-Zyrus: No...I don't understand...I thought...I thought we had defeated the demon...

-Celes: I don't understand it either... when I woke up, the town was already like this.

I managed to get up and observe that devastating landscape of what once was a town that was trying to get up, now it was just rubble and while I was observing a concern for the inhabitants invaded me.

-Zyrus: Wait...Sophia and Aria...they...ran away right? They weren't here when this happened, they shouldn't be here...

-Celes: They must have fled in time, when I left their house they were preparing to flee.

-Zyrus: Come on...I need to confirm that they weren't here.

I helped Celes up supporting her on my shoulder and together we walked down the hill towards the town. On the way we didn't find anyone alive, only corpses and among them Mizell who was on Duane's body hugging him, it was painful to see but it was something she decided.

"Mizell, it was so much love that you decided to follow him even in death"

Upon reaching the town we saw many charred bodies, houses burned to the ground and others simply burned inside, we passed Conrad's store which had also been destroyed by fire, I already knew what had happened to him but even so.

"Conrad, I was able to release the power of the Blessing thanks to your training and I will continue to get stronger, I promise."

-Celes: It seemed strange to me not to see our wagon near the store, I was afraid it had burned but the horse, scared by the fire, might have run away pulling the wagon with it.

-Zyrus: Let's hope it's okay and that the wagon has no damage either, there's something important inside that I don't want to lose.

We continued advancing through the streets of the town seeing more of the same and that strong stench of burned wood was felt everywhere. After a few minutes of walking we finally arrived at what was once Sophia and Aria's house but as we imagined, it was also destroyed by fire, the walls fell and the roof also fell covering the entire interior.

-Celes: Nothing was saved, I think we waited too long thinking about finding the house intact.

-Zyrus: True, but at least I don't see traces of...wait, what is this?

While we were entering the ruins of the house, I stepped on something that caught my attention, it seemed to be the door of the house but it had several boards nailed to the outside, which caused enormous fear inside me. So I looked everywhere in the house, then I supported Celes on one of the walls that didn't fall and searched the inside, hoping that my feeling wasn't real.

-Celes: My Lord, what's wrong?

Ignoring what Celes asked me, I continued searching, picking up the rubble that I could then I approached the place where the rooms were and I saw something that caught my attention under some burned boards and beams.

"No!, no!, no!, tell me it's not true!"

I continued picking up the rubble while Celes approached me looking worried, until I saw what I wanted not to see but I continued until I had the complete image and my fear came true, under these rubble there were two charred bodies, it would be impossible to recognize them but they were the one of a young woman and a little girl hugging.

-Celes: Aahh...those are...?

-Zyrus: Sophia and Aria...no doubt...

-Celes: Bu...But how?

That heartbreaking image was planted in my mind and it was something I would never forget.

-????: Well, well, this is unfortunate, right?

We heard a voice and some footsteps coming from outside the house, we went to see who it was but to my unpleasant surprise it was the commander of the White Knights and two of his lackeys.

-Commander: This was indeed a terrible tragedy.

-Zyrus: Tragedy? what are you taking about? What happened here?

-Commander: Well, there were other demons attacking the town, destroying it and burning everything.

-Celes: Other demons? No, that can't be.

The commander showed a false feeling of pity for what happened, it was impossible to think that there were other demons without us noticing.

-Commander: Ah...those poor people, screaming in pain without being able to do anything to stop it, of course we managed to finish off the demons but...

He gave a little pause while a sadistic smile spread across his face which gave a clear sense of his intentions.

-Commander: None of this would have happened if they had paid their parts accordingly hehe.

Seeing that smile and that clarification I felt like my whole body was invaded by uncontrollable anger and rage, seeing how this man caused the death of hundreds of innocent people just because of his greed.

-Zyrus: You...greedy bastard...let all these innocent people die...just...just because they didn't want to please you anymore!!?

-Commander: Huh?

Seeing my anger, the commander took a worried step back while his lackeys prepared to defend him but in the end it would be of no use to them. I drew my sword and almost instinctively took a step with the flash and almost instantly positioned myself right in front of the commander who failed to react in time to what happened.

-Commander: W-What!?

-Zyrus: People's lives are not something that you or anyone can use and discard whenever you want!

The commander's lackeys were not able to react in time either, only to look surprised to see how I pierced the armor and the entire chest of his leader with my sword. while he gave a groan of pain and blood flowed from his mouth and a trail of blood fell while I withdrew my sword and his body fell to the floor lifeless.

-Commander: Guh...aaarrgghh!!

The moment the two lackeys reacted and drew their swords I quickly turned around and with the same force and speed I cut the two Knights before they managed to defend themselves, both falling lifeless to the ground.

-Celes: My...My Lord...

Celes looked at me worried and surprised by the act I had committed, while my sword dripped with the blood of the White Knights my mind was clouded with anger and my body trembled with pain.

-Zyrus: Let's go back to Andacia...there's nothing else to do here.

-Celes: As...As ordered, My Lord.

Once again I supported Celes on my shoulder and ignoring the corpses of the White Knights we headed towards the path of the gorge and it would have been a long and hard path but before reaching the entrance of the gorge we heard some noises from the surroundings.

-Celes: My Lord, look there!

-Zyrus: Isn't it our wagon and the horse?

Already being far from the town we could see the destroyed wagon and the frightened horse, while he tried to flee but was trapped with the wagon's reins among the rubble, we approached him and while Celes tried to calm the horse I released the reins trapped, and with the horse calm we plan to use it to return but before that.

-Zyrus: Wait a minute, there's something I have to check before.

I approached the rubble of the wagon and checked the interior and despite the fact that the boxes were destroyed and our things damaged, I managed to recover my suitcase and the book of the First Hero almost intact.

-Celes: Is that Conrad's book? did he give it to you before the battle?

-Zyrus: That's right, he entrusted me with this book before...before he passed away.

Celes was shocked to discover Conrad's death before the battle, I told her what had happened before she arrived and I noticed the sadness on her face.

-Celes: I see...I'll pray for them to rest in peace...all of them.

We took a few moments to prepare ourselves so we mounted the horse and hurriedly headed back to Andacia carrying this pain within us.
