
Chapter 8

Davien's P. O. V

Listening to his words, I felt a cold shudder run down my spine, what's worse, as I gazed into his eyes I could not find a trace of uncertainty.

"Are you insane?! Do you even understand what it is you just said?!" I asked aloud, resisting the urge to grab him by the collar and land a punch or two.

He was however unfazed by me and continued speaking unequivocally. "It's only natural that I take over the company, I already allowed her to become Alpha of the pack." He said and pushed a glass of water to his lips.

I chuckled lightly, "you talk so big that I forgot you're just nineteen years old." I retorted relaxing into my seat, laughing at myself for ever taking him seriously.

Kian however didn't seem to like my words, "what was that?" The sides of his mouth twitched with fury at the comment on his age.

Seeing as I could use this to get under his skin I pulled my lips back in satisfaction, "you're just a brat bored out of his mind. I almost believed that you could do half of what you said." I taunted, expecting him to get angry and cause a scene.

"At least I'm not making headlines over stupid shit." He cussed under his breath loud enough to be heard, I clenched my jaw, and looked around, taking a head count of the number of spectators around to watch me murder my mate.

"Now that we're on the subject, I didn't expect you to pull such a childish trick to get my attention. And at that right, after you stood me up." I had been sucked into his pace and forgot why it was I even came in Gwendolyn's place.

"I'm only going to let it slide because of Silvia, don't test my patience like this again," I warned him in a serious tone, making sure he got the message loud and clear.

As expected he stared at me wearing a worrisome expression, I grinned from ear to ear, impressed by myself for being such a smartass. It was common sense that he'd spread lies over social media to tarnish the company just to end the meager between both companies.

He was dangerous but hopelessly naive.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I managed to ask, the more his worrisome eyes gazed at me, the more self-conscious I became. Why the fuck was he watching me?

"Pardon me, but I'm just trying to figure out how someone so slow-witted could be both Alpha and my mate." He confessed in a flat tone, with zero hints of sarcasm in his words.

My blood boiled and in a flash I dashed to grab him by the collar, my other hand curled into a fist, raised above my head.

Surprisingly, he wasn't as fast as I anticipated and was easy to latch onto, as my fist drew nearer to his face he sat still, somewhat too stunned to react.

Seeing as this pup wasn't even strong enough to put up a decent fight, I withdrew my angry fist and sat back down, ignoring the questionable stares pointed at me from all angles.

"Tch." I heard him hiss from across the table as he frantically straightened his clothes, "savage." He cursed under his breath, definitely referring to me.

However, I didn't seem to be offended by his insult and rather found it amusing.

"This was exactly why I invited your secretary to meet with me, a savage like you wouldn't be smart enough to comprehend the situation." He spoke in a pissy tone, glaring at me the entire time.

I parted my lips to say something derogatory in return, but the brat picked up the black folder labeled X and stared at it with bored eyes.

"What's that?" I pried, in a bid to change the subject.

He looked up at me with those blue eyes then hardened his stare, "does the name Sydney ring any bells?" he closed the folder and then tossed it towards me.

I bit on my lower lip and tried to recall where I had heard that name recently, it sounded familiar but distant at the same time. My hands found their way to the side of my neck, I could feel a sharp pain in my head, recalling names was a bitch.

"Savage." Kian spitefully said under his breath then folded his arms, "she's the daughter of Alpha Renold of the Halfmoon pack. The one whose company suddenly backed off from harassing Moore group." He explained, jogging up my memory.

I snapped my finger in recognition. "That's the one!" I remarked in a loud voice, earning some stares here and there.

"How do you know about my relationship with Sydney?" I pensively asked, for the opinion that this guy had gone and dug up about my past relationships.

In a level-headed manner, he said, "isn't it more of a fling and less of a relationship?"

I sneered at him and picked up the black folder, never letting my prickly gaze leave him. Without much interest, I stole a glance into the folder certain it would be pictures of me and other women, something he could have found on social media.

However what I saw was beyond my expectations, I focused my stare on the documents looking through them page by page awestruck. After I had had my fill I slammed the folder shut and slapped it hard on the table.

"What the hell is this?" I interrogated in a demanding tone. "What does it look like?" He retorted swiftly, straightening his back.

"These are records of the missing rogues over the past seven years!" I almost blurted out, unsure if what this kid was showing me was the real deal.

The missing rouges were what we called the wolves who suddenly went missing from their packs seven years ago without a trace, all ranging from the ages of thirteen to eighteen. At first, the leaders of the unaffected packs chugged it up to either carelessness or assumed the missing wolves ran away. But once they were affected as well, the matter escalated quickly.

How these wolves went missing and where they have remained is a mystery.

"The Halfmoon pack along with other minor packs are the masterminds behind the trafficking." He stated in a clear-cut tone.

"That's impossible!"

He raised a brow, urging me to explain myself further. I tried to relax my shoulders but couldn't fully cage the anxiety I was feeling.

Mainly because Oliver's younger sister was part of the wolves lost to this kidnapping.

"Halfmoon along with other affected packs sent a list of missing wolves to my family for investigation. So how could they be the culprit?" I asked, half hoping that he was wrong about his suspicions.

"Did your family just gloss through the names and not thoroughly investigate? Every name submitted by the Halfmoon pack was forged and cannot be traced to any real person." He took a pause and then stared at me, maybe drinking in my reaction.

"There was too much panic at that time to carry out a thorough search, and frankly speaking there was no reason to," I answered, recalling the awful memory.

Kian didn't seem convinced, "well, as a result of your family's carelessness, that many wolves have been trafficked by the Halfmoon pack. I have a collection of all the wolves I was able to track down their location, most of them are overseas." He spoke in an unshaken voice.

I felt a sting in my chest when he spoke about my family that way, but didn't bother to bud in. "Are you certain that those bastards are behind this? It'll cause an uproar if you're wrong."

He sighed in exhaustion, hinting that he was tired of explaining things repeatedly to me. "Do you have any idea why I'm giving this information to you and not exposing it under the Saints instead?" He asked not expecting an answer.

I looked at him silently watching his lips expectantly, "it's because the person who filmed the siege at Moore group was none other than Sydney herself." He disclosed with a straight face.

What the fuck? Did he just say that bimbo did?

"I can read your face and tell you've underestimated her, I wouldn't put it past you to think women were only good in bed." He stated in an insulting tone, looking to start something with me.

"Sydney wouldn't do something to hurt a man she's interested in," I argued.

"Even when said man's engagement was announced barely days after he had sex with her solely for his business? I think you're overpricing your value." The more he spoke, the more it made sense to me.

If the meager didn't push through, the marriage wouldn't either, and then Sydney would benefit the most from dragging my name through the mud.

Fuck! I was screwed!

"With this information, you can take action against the Halfmoon pack and increase your influence across the western region too. It would be good for both the company and your pack." Kian explained, connecting the dots.

I gave him an incredulous stare, if the information he gave me was true, then there would be nothing left of the Halfmoon pack nor their chain of businesses. And for some reason this kid was just giving me the upper hand, no matter how I looked at it, something felt fishy.

"I don't understand how you were able to even get this information, but I have something to ask."

"Why are you giving me such power? If your pack exposed this they could easily dominate the others. So why the hell is it me?" I asked, dying to understand how this kid's twisted mind worked.

He stood up from the table, leaving the file with me, gesturing to take his leave, I stood up as well determined to get an answer from him.

"Isn't it obvious? Not only are you my mate, but your company is the falling rival to Saint incorporations. If Moore group takes over the Western packs it would make you more powerful than Saint incorporations. And if that happens, it's only a matter of time till I can fully kick Silvia out of the company." His stare hardened at the latter part.

"No matter what, I won't let her take over." He said once more, his resolve drawn across his face.
