
Characters (spoiler alert) up to CH.10

Chief Zuri(Alexander)

Source picture: Avalable

:After dying in his past life, Alexander found himself in a new world. And apparently, he is also the new chief of a tribe. Because of that, he is also the only 'male' in the whole tribe.

Gift: Daughter of life(has unknown effects)


Attendent Myuri

Source picrure: Available

:She is the attendant of the chief in the tribe. She was the attendant of the old tribal Chief until he died.

Gift: ??? (But she was able to calm down Alexander with it)


Attendent Azuri

Source picrure: available

:The attendant of chief Zuri. She is a new attendant of the Chief, unlike Myuri, he I inexperienced but has the will to go foward. She seems to have a relation to the chief before he became chief.

Gift: ???(definitely can't calm down a penis)


Healer Heena

source picture: Unavailable

:She is the healer of the tribe. From the way Myuri treats her, it seems like the are from the same generation.

Gift: ???(it glows green though)
