
Chapter 50 The Club

Grace’s POV

“GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING, SUNSHINE!” Chris hollered into my ear, and I bolted upright in the bed. Pulse racing a million miles a minute, I couldn’t see straight as my vision was blurred. However, a second later there was a crashing should, making the stupid vampire laugh out loud.

“Why couldn’t you just die in the sun?” I heard Jack growl and I whipped around only to see that the wolf had Chris pinned to the wall, about to slice him open with his claws.

“Hey, at least I don’t sparkle,” Chris snickered as if his life hadn’t been in any kind of danger. And perhaps it hadn’t, but---

I let out a groan, but just as I was about to drop back on the bed, cursing profoundly at Chris, there was another voice at the door.

“Are they decent?” Ned asked, making my heart sink to the pit of my stomach.

What the hell was he doing here?!

“You can come in,” Chris called back, and just because he was dick, raised his voice even more: “NOTHING HAPPENED! THE BET IS STILL ON!”
