
Act 2, Scene 3

[The streets of Verona. Romeo is pacing back and forth, his face filled with guilt and regret. Juliet enters from the side.]

JULIET: Why doth my love with such heaviness roam? What troubles him, that he must bear alone?

ROMEO: My lady fair, my heart is heavy with grief For I have slain Tybalt, and it brings no relief. The blood on my hands, the weight on my soul I fear I've lost all, my heart black as coal.

JULIET: My love, my heart aches to see you in pain But know that I stand by you, through sunshine and rain. Together we'll face whatever comes our way And our love shall guide us through each passing day.

ROMEO: Oh, Juliet, how blessed I am to have thee Thy love, a balm that soothes my misery. But how can I make amends for my misdeed? My sword, stained with blood, fills me with dread.

JULIET: Let us together seek the wisdom of the wise, And seek redemption for your action unwise. We shall seek the counsel of Friar Laurence, And with his guidance, we shall seek repentance.

ROMEO: Your words, my love, they bring comfort to my soul, And with you by my side, I feel once again whole. Let us go to Friar Laurence, and seek his aid To cleanse my soul of this black, bloody shade.

[They exit together, hand in hand, seeking the counsel of Friar Laurence.]


[Friar Laurence's chapel. Romeo and Juliet enter, and Friar Laurence greets them.]

FRIAR LAURENCE: My children, what brings you to my humble abode? Speak thy hearts, and let thy sorrows unfold.

ROMEO: Father, I've done a deed most foul And my soul bears a heavy, guilt-ridden scowl. I've slain Tybalt, dear Juliet's kin And now I fear, the weight of my sin.

FRIAR LAURENCE: My child, a grievous deed thou hast done indeed, But the path to redemption is one thou canst proceed. Thou shalt confess thy sin, and repent thy deed, And with penance and prayer, thy soul shall be freed.

JULIET: Oh, wise father, thy words bring us hope That my dear Romeo can be cleansed of this dope. But what penance and prayer must he undertake To atone for his sin, and his soul to make?

FRIAR LAURENCE: My child, the path to redemption is long, But with a true heart and a penitent song, Thou must perform acts of charity and goodwill And thy soul, with the grace of God, shall heal.

ROMEO: Father, thy words have lifted the weight off my heart And with Juliet by my side, we shall make a fresh start. We shall do what is right, and make amends for my sin And in time, our love shall again brightly begin.

JULIET: Thank you, Father, for thy wise counsel and care We shall follow thy teachings, and always be aware Of the path we must take, to seek God's forgiveness And to make our love, a beacon of brightness.

[They exit the chapel, arm in arm, ready to begin their journey of repentance and redemption.]
