

Vanessa was clearly flustered by Mary's tactic of putting her on the spot. She knew Mary was intentionally trying to make her look bad in front of Shi Tian, almost as if she was trying to paint her as a foolish person. 

Gathering her thoughts, she attempted to recall what Shi Tian had just said.

"Um, you mentioned that the leaked information needs to be spread discreetly, without revealing the source. It shouldn't deviate from the original content, but we can make some alterations. And it should be so beneficial that people would act immediately to avoid any loss of profits," Vanessa replied, trying to mimic Shi Tian's words as closely as possible.

Shi Tian nodded, seemingly satisfied with Vanessa's response. "Good, you were paying attention."

Mary stifled a chuckle, clearly amused by the situation. Vanessa shot her a glare, but it only earned her a mischievous smile in return.
