
The Hunt in the Forest! (4) [Kobold camp!]

As Sam moved off in the opposite direction, Auric muttered a soft wish of luck to his friend before focusing on his own part of the plan. He knew that they needed to work in harmony but also remain cautious to ensure their safety.

Auric's thoughts were centered on the key points he had meticulously planned out:

1. Diversionary Tactics: Sam's role was to create a distraction, drawing the attention of the kobolds away from Auric and the leader. This would give Auric the opportunity to deal with the leader more effectively.

2. Isolate the Leader: Auric needed to separate the leader from the rest of the group. With the leader alone, it would be easier to eliminate the threat without alerting the others.

3. Silent Elimination: Rather than engaging in a noisy battle, Auric aimed to take out the leader without causing a commotion. This would minimize the risk of attracting unwanted attention.
