
Chapter 135: Throwing Hands


Gami/Shina didn't like to curse, but shit was the only word they could think of to describe this horrible situation.

The situation being that, when they had charged at Nise, two things happened.

One, Nise's expression suddenly changed. The scared and confused look in her eyes was suddenly replaced with cold fury.

And the second thing that happened, was that Gami was grabbed by one of Nise's vectors and chucked out the window.

Of course, the first problem, the least concerning one was, that Gami was now falling out of a building.

The solution to this was simple.

Gami quickly cut their own arm and killed their flightlessness.

Immediately, black wings burst out of their back, and with a flap, Gami was now flying.

Gami flew up to the window and faced his second biggest problem.

That being that "Nise" certainly didn't seem to have amnesia.

The two stared each other down, seeing who would make the first move.

In the end, it was Gami, as they charged forward, moving as fast as possible towards Nise, in hopes of getting the single hit they needed.

Only to be batted away by "Nise"'s vectors, sending them flying over towards the forest.

"Nise" then ran over to the window, and jumped out of it, while using her vectors, to launch herself into the air, after Gami.

Gami meanwhile, tried to regain their sense of balance, however by the time they stabilized themselves in the air, "Nise" had already reached them, grabbing them with one of her vectors in the air, and slamming them down.


Gami hit the ground, in what he was sure would have been an agonizing experience if he could feel pain.

That quirk is going to make things difficult for sure. Gami thought as they picked themselves off the ground, while Nise slowly came to the ground, using her vectors to grab onto the trees and lower herself gently. I need to find a way to get past those vectors.

When "Nise" reached the ground, she glared at Gami. "I don't want to fight you."

"I don't want to fight you either," Gami admitted, while not at all looking like they wanted to stand down. "But I can't let you ruin everything."


Gami then cut the ground and seemingly nothing happened. But then they cut the ground again, and something immediately happened.

Suddenly, everything started to move as if it was on ice.

The dirt, rocks, and grass moved and shifted, and the trees started to move through the ground and fall over.

And "Nise" immediately fell on her butt and started slipping backward, while Gami took to the air once more.

"What the!?" "Nise" shouted, as she tried to stop herself from slipping, by digging her vectors into the dirt, but that didn't work and she kept slipping.

Unfortunately for her, nothing would keep her from slipping, as Gami had killed all the friction in the area.

But immediately, she noticed an even more pressing issue, that being that without friction, even the trees that were rooted in the ground, couldn't keep still, and as such the trees were now falling down.

And some of them would be falling on her if she didn't do anything.

Immediately, "Nise" shifted her focus.


"Nise" started slicing up the trees that were going to fall on her with three of her vectors, while using the last vector, to push her around to avoid the already fallen trees.

As "Nise" was sliding through the forest, Gami flew after her, waiting for his opportunity to strike.

And that opportunity would be coming soon.

I just need to get out of the range of his quirk. "Nise," thought to herself. No matter how powerful a quirk is, it has to have limits. I just need to keep mov-


Before "Nise" could finish that thought, she found herself slamming into an invisible wall.

A small explanation. When Gami first sliced the ground, it didn't actually do nothing. What Gami killed there, was this space's connection to their dimension.

In other words, Gami had sealed everything within the small area they were in, into its own separate pocket dimension.

Meaning, there was no escape.

But it seemed like that wouldn't matter, as Gami took advantage of "Nise"'s surprise, and rushed to cut her back.

Gami came in and slashed at her back…only for him to accidentally hit the base of one of "Nise"'s vectors, which he couldn't cut.

"Nise" felt something hit her Vectors, and quickly realized what happened, and before Gami could get in a second strike, she used her vectors and grabbed Gami by his wings, and held him up.

Before "Nise" could take advantage of this, however, Gami cut himself again, killing his wings, causing them to vanish, and Gami to fall to the ground.

As soon as he hit the still shifting dirt, Gami pushed himself back, away from "Nise" however "Nise" wasn't going to let him get away that easy, and pushed herself off the invisible wall, towards Gami, reaching him in little to no time at all.

Gami knew he would only have time to do one thing, before "Nise" grabbed him, so he had to think fast.

And so just as Nise's vectors were grabbing his shoulders, Gami cut themselves and killed their own friction.

When Nise tried to grab him, her vectors just slipped off them, unable to grab something with zero friction.

"Grrrrrr!" "Nise" growled angrily, frustrated with the no friction thing by this point.

Gami then used his scythe to push himself forward and slid towards "Nise", but of course, this didn't work and resulted in "Nise" backhanding them with one of their vectors, and sending them flying into the air.

Now that he was once again, a good distance away from "Nise" he then cut himself again, killing his flightlessness, canceling out his earlier use of his quirk, and regrowing his wings.

Gami looked down at "Nise", who was still sliding around, chopping up trees in her way. I need to find a way to get past those vectors…wait, that might work.

Then, Gami started flying around, swooping down to cut trees, and killing their gravity, making them float into the air.

"What one earth are they doing?" "Nise," asked herself as she watched Gami send more trees into the air.

"Nise" then saw Gami fly under the trees, and turn their back on her.

She saw a chance to get in a hit on them, and used her vectors, to change her direction, and launch herself towards Gami intent on smacking them towards the ground, and getting in a good few hits.

However, this was all part of Gami's plan. As he heard Nise launch herself towards him, he knew what he had to do.

Normally, Gami's quirk could not affect itself. Meaning Gami couldn't just cut himself and kill his quirk's drawbacks or effects. However, there were workarounds to this.

And so as "Nise" closed in on him, Gami cut himself and killed his existence.

Just like that, Gami vanished, causing "Nise's" vectors to hit nothing.

Suddenly, "Nise" felt a chill going down her spine, and felt something closing in on her from above.

She looked up, and found out much to her horror, that since Gami currently didn't exist, neither did his quirk, or its effects, meaning, everything that was being affected by Gami's quirk would return to normal.

That included the gravity of all the trees above her, which were now about fall on top of her.


The trees slammed into "Nise", and they crashed into the ground. Pinning her to the ground.

Almost immediately afterward, Gami, or rather Shina, appeared back in the exact same spot, since the effects of their quirk vanished when they ceased to exist, that meant nothing keeping them from existing, so that move, in particular, could only last for a moment.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Shina screamed in terror, as they immediately started falling to the ground.

She quickly cut her arm again, killing her flightlessness, causing her wings to come back, which allowed her to safely come back to the ground.

"Whew." Shina breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad that worked, if could feel emotions when I'm Gami would have started getting scared. Man, that girl was tough."

Shina looked at the huge pile of logs that Nise was currently buried under and started to worry. "Wait…t-this wouldn't kill her…would it? Oh, I really hope she's not dead, I just got a new start on my life not killing people!"

Fortunately, or Unfortunately depending on how you looked at it, "Nise" proved to be alive, when suddenly, the front of the pile of trees, burst open, and "Nise" limped out.

Back when "Nise" was about to get hit by the trees, she knew she couldn't dodge, know could she cut up that many trees at once, when they were already so close to her. But she did still have one option. She wrapped her vectors around her body, covering herself in a psychic shield.

This did still have some consequences, however. Her vectors had something called a psychic feedback. Whenever she used them, it would send a psychic shockwave through her body, which would start harming her body if she overused her quirk, or if her vectors were hit by something very strong.

Like, say, a few dozen tons of wood.

So while "Nise" was still alive and conscious, she was definitely hurt. Blood was coming from her mouth, and out of tears on her body, and she felt like she got hit by a bus. "Ugh."

"Nise" immediately fell to one knee and started breathing heavily.

She's weak! This is my chance to end this! Shina thought.

She rushed forward, not wanting to give "Nise" a single second to recover. Her scythe was raised to strike her and–


Suddenly, Sansan popped out of the ground, and got in between Shina and Nise, creating a giant slime wall with her body, with her head on top.

"Huh!?" Shina jumped back, shocked at Sansan's appearance. "W-What are you doing?"

"No more fighting!" Sansan told her with a pout. "Gonna make daddy angry!"

"I'm just trying to make sure she doesn't kill anyone or drag me back to the M.L.A.!" Shina said, defending her actions, while she hid her scythe behind her back, and started secretly making small cuts on her leg. "Did you see how she was fighting!? There's no way someone with amnesia and no control over her quirk could fight like that!"

"Well, you're right there. That is suspicious."

Everyone looked to the right and saw Fu walking out of the woods.

" I saw some of the fight, and you are right. No one with no control over their quirk could fight like that." Fu said, before turning to "Nise" "Care to explain?"

"Nise" just paused, and then her eyes glazed over for a few seconds. And then, she blinked and…started looking around. "Huh? W-Where am I? Ow! Why does my body hurt so much!?

She then looked up at Shina through Sansan and gasped in fear. "It's the scary scythe girl! P-Please don't hurt me! I swear I won't do anything bad!"

Tears started rushing out of her eyes, and soon all of her words turned into incomprehensible babbling.

"You dummy," Shina said, before she dashed at Nise, having had her enhanced strength and speed restored. "That won't work!"

She went right through Sansan and came to Nise in no time.


"Ahhhhh!" Nise cried out in pain, as Shina created a small cut on her forehead.

Immediately afterward, Sansan wrapped around Shina, restaining her with all her might.

"There! I just killed her dishonesty! Now she can't lie anymore!" Shina said, not bothering to fight against Sansan. "So tell us! Do you really have amnesia!? Are you really not trying to kill anyone? Tell us."

Nise just cowered in fear, unable to say a word as she trembled and shook.

"Move away from her," Fu ordered, and Sansan followed, moving a good distance back, and taking Shina with her, before he went up to Nise, and knelt down beside her. As she looked at him with fear still in her eyes, but not as much as before now that Shina had been restrained and taken away. "Nise, listen. If you are innocent. Then this is your best chance to prove it. So just take a moment. Breathe, and then answer us. Ok?"

Nise gave a very shaky nod. And after a couple of minutes. She managed to give an answer. "I-I-I really don't remember anything! I r-really have amnesia! A-And I d-don't wanna kill anyone!"

Immdaeatly Nise went back to crying, while Shina just look at her in pure shock.

"That's…that's impossible," Shina whispered, absolutely dumbfounded by what Nise just said. "D-Did nine minutes already pass since I cut her?"

"Do you still have your super strength and speed?" Fu asked her, getting a nod from the pale girl. "Then nine minutes haven't passed. And you're sure that you killed her dishonesty?"

"I-I-I-I…yes," Shina admitted. Still extremely confused, by what just transpired.

"Well, then there we go," Fu said, before turning back to Nise. "But with that said, how did you do all that during your fight if you have amnesia?"

"F-fight?" Nise looked up at him confused. "W-What fight?"

"You don't remember? You were just fighting against Shina here." Fu told her.

"I-I don't rember that…I…when they ran at me…everything went black…and then I woke up here," Nise explained as best she could through the sobs.

This only added to Shina's shock, and at this point, she was just at a loss for words.

Fu took a minute to ponder this before just shaking his head. "Well, I guess that's that. Let her go Sansan."

Sansan did as she was told, and released Shina from her hold.

"You, go back to your room. I'll ask Izuku to look over your wounds in there. I don't think you and Nise should both be in the same room right now." Fu instructed. "And you can also take the time to explain to him what you did. Since he happened to be sleeping during the whole thing."

Shina just nodded, still too dumbfounded to talk, as she just walked back home in silence.

"Sansan, please carry Nise home, and take her to the med bay," Fu ordered. "I still have something I need to do here."

Sansan gave him a big thumbs up, before grabbing Nise, who flinched at her touch, before easing into it, Sansan's cool body doing wonders for her injured one.

After the two of them left, Fu remained behind, waiting for a few moments, before beginning the conversation. So. Any idea what that was?

I think I might. Yonda said she stepped out from her hiding spot behind one of the fallen trees. And thank you for carrying me here. If you hadn't I might have never figured out what was wrong with her.

Enough with the fake politeness. Just tell me. Fu said, feeling slightly annoyed. This whole thing has been a giant mess, and I would appreciate just knowing a bit more about what the heck is going on.

Ugh, fine. I forgot your no fun. Yonda said, rolling her eyes. Anyway, do you recall that point where her eyes glazed over?

Yes. Fu answered. What about it?

Well, before that happened, her thoughts were, completely different. Yonda revealed. Before her eyes glazed over, she thought stuff like, I just want a new life, and, I think it's time for her to take control. Then after her eyes glazed over, her thought suddenly became, where am I? Why am I hurt? Etc.

Ok? And that means what exactly? Fu asked.

I think, and this is just a theory. Yonda said. That this girl has more than one personality.
