
Chapter 41: MCU Tier List

"Hello? Is this on!? Kiba asked the camera. "It is!? Fantastic! Hello, my loyal subjects! Today we're going to try something different!"

Something Different!

What could that mean?

Please tell us oh great and mighty Kiba!

"Today we will be doing a tier list of sorts! Of the Marvel Movies phase 1,2, and 3!" Kiba revealed, showing the audience the list. "I wanted to do all the movies, but that would take too much of my time."

On Kiba's monitor, was a tier list.

At the top was the Tier "Royal". Below that was, "Outstanding". Below that was "Entertaining". Below that was "Merely Fine". Below that was "Not worth my time". And Bellow that, was "Should be cast into the abyss."

And below that was all the Marvel movies from Hulk to Spider-Man Far From Home.

"Now just seeing my opinion on such films would be more than enough, I've heard that having two people discuss such things is more enlightening, and entertaining," Kiba explained. "And as such, Fu will also be joining us."

Fu appeared on the other screen. With a tier list identical to Kiba's. "Hi."

Yay more Fu!

And he's not gonna get dismembered this time!

Queen Crimson: Awww.

You don't know that.

Imagine Kiba disagrees with him so much she goes over there and rips his head off.

"I mean that has happened," Fu commented. "But she's become less bratty since then so we don't have to worry about that."

"Ye-wait what do you mean less bratty!?" Kiba shouted in outrage.

"Anyway let's start with Hulk," Fu said as he moved on. "It's...ok."

Fu put it in Merely Fine.

"It's only interesting when Hulk is on the screen. Which is way too little." Fu critiqued.

"I agree!" Kiba said, putting the movie in the same place. "Can we talk about the hulk for a second! He is horribly wasted as a side character in these movies! You have this huge, amazing rage monster that they rarely use through phases 1-3! And it took them far too long to make a sequel! Why!?"

Right's issues.

Right's issues.

Right's issues.

Issues Rights.

"Apparently it's because of right's issues." Fu pointed out. "I guess this is back when Disney didn't own basically everything."

"Ugh! Stupid stuffy people in suits making things complicated." Kiba huffed.

"So moving on before Kiba goes onto another rant. Iron Man." Fu continued.

Fu proceeded to move Iron Man to "Entertaining."

"Iron Man is a great movie. I probably would have put it higher if the villain wasn't...dumb. What exactly was Iron Monger's plan? He was gonna take over the company by murdering someone in public in a giant robot suit?" Fu summarized. "And this is after he's already attacked a bunch of government agents? His plan should just be to go the run at that point."

"I think you're over-rating it brother." Kiba put Iron Man into the Merely Fine tier. "It's fight scenes are all so one-sided except for the last one, which is ok. Stark is fun to watch I guess."

But that's the film that started it all!

Kids these days.

Are you questioning the great Kiba!?

You dare!

"Moving on," Fu said. "Iron Man 2."

Fu moved Iron Man 2 into Merely Fine.

"Meh. Little worse than the first one. This time it has two villains, Hammer is the only one that's any real fun to watch outside of the fight scenes." Fu summarized.

"Once again I disagree!" Kiba put Iron Man 2 into Merely Fine.

"You put it in the same tier." Fu pointed out.

"Yes. But I think it's a bit better!" Kiba said. "The fight scenes in this one were less boring. And I like War Machines armor better than Iron Mans. And Whiplash had really cool whips."

Is Kiba only gonna look at the fight scenes and cool stuff?

What did you expect her to look at?

I'm glad Fu is here.

Oh, we're gonna get some hot takes today.

"Thanks. Anyway moving on. We have Captain America The First Avenger." Fu said.

Fu then proceeded to put that movie in Entertaining.

"This film is really good, and I really like the world war 2 thing. We didn't get to see him fight in the war as much, but we saw a lot of things around it." Fu explained. "And the Captain himself, while he is pretty simple, is fun to root for because he's such a nice guy. It's a simple movie, but a good movie."

Kiba meanwhile, slid the movie into Merely Fine. "As Fu said, it's simple. And so are the fight scenes. The shield throwing is cool. And I really like that montage of him fighting in the war. But too much talking too much romance. And the villain's final fight was kind of dull."

Cap is great!

The only American we can rely on!

Back when America was reliable.

"Going on to Thor," Fu said.

Fu slid Thor right into Not Worth My Time.

"It has some interesting parts. Some funny parts. But it's pretty boring. It just doesn't feel like much is happening at all." Fu explained.

Kiba on the other hand slid that movie into Should Be Cast Into the Abyss.

"This movie makes me angry!" Kiba shouted. "You have a GOD! An actual God of Lightning! And what do you do with him! You take away his powers and have him be lame almost the ENTIRE movie! It's so boring I fell asleep! It has ONE good fight scene. And one ok fight scene. This is a terrible movie! And a terrible disappointment!"

Damn she roasted that movie.

Stop stop it's already dead!

Yeah, they really could have done something more fun with Thor.

At least they got their act together with Ragnarok.

"Next, is The Avengers." Fu continued.

Fu put the first Avengers movie, into the Entertaining tier.

"It's like Captain America. Good and Simple." Fu summarized. "It's really fun to watch all the heroes come together, and fight aliens, and sometimes each other. I think it's better than Captain America because Loki is a better villain."

"I disagree I think it's MUCH better Captain America." Kiba placed the Avengers into the Outstanding tier. "It's way funnier and has more fights. And better fights too! Watching the Avengers come together to fight an entire army is amazing! The only reason it's not higher is because there are more amazing movies later."

It's iconic alright. Even after all these years.

The thing that showed the MCU really worked.

I think it's underrated.

"Next up is the first movie of phase 2, Iron Man 3," Fu announced.

Fu put it in Merely Fine. "It's an ok movie. Pretty fun, I liked the parts where he had to fight people without his suit. The villain was...meh. At least they had some ok fights."

"The fights were fine. I liked those armorless fights as well. And the big fight at the end was the best part." Kiba said, sliding the movie into the same tier.

Remember back when people were mad about the Mandarin thing?

Dude that was literally hundreds of years ago.

I wish the Iron Man Trilogy was better.

"The next one is...Thor...The Dark World." Fu sighed. "Kiba...let's not waste time here."

Both of them immediately moved it to Should be Cast into the Abyss tier.

"It's so boring, I'm not even going to waste my breath." Kiba scoffed.


Sounds about right.

Worst. Marvel. Movie. Ever.

"Moving from a bad sequel to a good one, Captain America the Winter Soldier," Fu announced.

Kiba slid it into Royal immediately. "This was fantastic. The Boat scene where he fought Batroc! The elevator fight! The Bridge Fight! And the final fight with the Winter Soldier! All of them were brilliant!

Fu slid it up to Outstanding.

"This one was really good. Winter Soldier is a great villain. If I was capable of feeling fear, I probably would have been afraid of him. This is also the movie that made me really like Captain America. He's everything a hero should be. No matter who's in his way, if they're doing something bad, Captain America will fight them...even if he has to fight America." Fu explained. "Also, I have a feeling that this is one of those movies I don't fully understand, and when I get older it might get better or worse."

"What's there to understand? It's about superheroes fighting supervillains." Kiba scoffed. "Don't overthink things brother."

Oh, Kiba.

Didn't like the first one so much. Second one was amazing!

Cap still has one of the best trilogies.

"Now for the weird one. Guardians of the Galaxy." Fu continued.

Fu proceeded to put this film in Entertaining. "It had some nice music. The characters were likable. And it was very funny. But the villain was boring. And the fight scenes were just ok."

"Yeah, I wish Groot had better fights in this movie." Kiba slid the movie into Merely Fine. "The only real part I liked was the comedy. The characters were funny enough to keep this interesting. Drax is the best though."

Rip Groot.

He comes back.

Does he? Or is it Clone Groot?

Apparently, it is some kind of clone or offspring.

In my head cannon. Groot is still Groot.

Fu got ready to continue, but Kiba suddenly jumped in.

"Age of Ultron is in Royal tier! And anyone who wants to say otherwise can fight me!" Kiba challenged.

"Kiba, remember that everyone can have their own opinions," Fu repeated what Izuku had told Kiba countless times.

"Yes yes, everyone can have their wrong opinions." Kiba scoffed. "I hear all this stuff about how Age of Ultron is the worst avengers movie, and how people think the first one was better! But Age of Ultron is better in every way! Just the opening fight is better than any fight in the first movie! And Hulk vs Iron Man is one of the most amazing fights in these three phases. Ultron is a great villain, that's more entertaining than ANY of the villains before him! It's going in Royal!"

Fu sighed and slid the movie into Entertaining.

"Betrayal! Kiba shouted.

"I agree with pretty much everything Kiba said, but Quicksilver's death was stupid," Fu explained.

Kiba opened her mouth to object, but then she closed it, and thought about it a bit, before crossing her arms together and pouting. "Fine. I'll accept it. But I'm keeping it in Royal!"

Well, it did have some good fights.

Ultron was nothing like he was in the comics!

Who cares LOL!

I was just really disappointed they didn't do much with Quicksilver.

"Alright, before Kiba starts breaking things, let's move onto Ant-Man," Fu said.

Kiba once again took the lead here and put the movie into Royal.

"Ant-Man is one of the best Avengers!" Kiba stated. "He's just a really nice guy, trying to be a good dad! And the fights in this movie were a lot better than I thought they would be. The shrinking was a lot cooler than I expected it to be! And it only gets better in the future."

Fu nodded as he slid it into Outstanding. "I don't think people understand how great it is to have a loving dad until their own parents abandon them. Ant-Man is my favorite Avenger as well. He's funny, smart, his powers are interesting, and he's a great dad. Hank Pym is also a good character. He's still trying to be a good dad but he's not as good at it as Scott. The only thing that makes this movie less good, is Yellow Jacket. He's not really a good villain until the end of the movie when he puts on the suit."

Man, this one was personal for them huh?

Never really thought of it that way.

Scott's Great!

His powers don't make any sense though.

Neither do ours.

"Now for the last Steve Rogers Captain American film, Captain America Civil War," Fu announced.

Fu promptly put the movie into Outstanding.

"This movie is great. Looking back I can see how things led up to this. Steve and Tony were kinda always opposites to each other. And when superheroes have different opinions to one another, there is only one thing they can do." Fu said.

"They fight!" Kiba shouted as she put it into Royal. "So much fighting! And with all the Avengers! Except Hulk and Thor which is a shame, but that Airport battle was one the best fights in the three phases!"

"The only reason I didn't put it higher, is because Zemo's plan is a little confusing, and Vision wasn't really used as much as he should have been," Fu explained.

"Pah. Who cares. It's an amazing action-filled movie from beginning to end!" Kiba stated. "And that's all I care about!"

Yeah, Vision wasn't done justice for a while.

Wish Hulk and Thor were in it.

Airport scene alone puts it in outstanding!

Spider-Man! You didn't mention Spider-Man!

They'll get to him!

"Now for Doctor Strange." Fu continued.

Fu slid the movie into Merely Fine.

"It's a weird movie," Fu admitted. "But looking past that. It's pretty much just like the Iron Man movie, but with Magic. And the same uninteresting villain. Or villains, I guess."

Kiba seemed conflicted. "I...this movie is truly strange. Its fights are...interesting. And the way the Doctor defeats such a powerful entity is truly creative. Everything is just...strange. For perplexing me, and keeping from being bored, I will put it into Entertaining."

It's Iron Man! On Drugs!

It really is.

At least the magic looks cool!

"Guardians of the Galaxy 2," Fu said.

Kiba put the movie into Outstanding.

"By far an improvement to the first one! Funnier than the last one by far! And all the amazing colors and backgrounds, it really makes me feel as if I've left earth behind. And the fight scenes, while there are less of them than I'd like, are more creative and amusing to watch." Kiba said, "And I can not express how much joy I had watching Ego meet his end."

"Yeah, as it turns out watching a bad parent get what he deserves, is satisfying for us. Who knew." Fu said sarcastically, as he moved the move into Outstanding. "As Kiba says, the background, coloring, and designs make the most of the space thing. And I really like it. And I felt something for Starlord. My dad didn't kill my Mom, but I can know what it's like to realize that your parents is a terrible person."

That one hit me.

Can we find Fu's parents? And see if they are also unkillable?

Why don't we just find all their parents and do that?

Stan Gamora

Read the room dude.

"Moving on. We have the first Spider-Man movie. Spider-Man Homecoming." Fu continued.

Fu and Kiba both put it into Merely Fine.

"It's passable. I feel like there could have been more cool web-slinging scenes. And definitely some cooler fights." Kiba commented. "Spider-Man feels like another character that is not as powerful as he should be. Shiruku is half his age and I've seen her fight in more impressive ways than he does. And she doesn't even have spider-sense."

"I just really don't get teenagers." Fu shrugged. "The villain is good. Though. But isn't he just an evil Falcon? Who Spider-Man already fought and almost beat? I feel like he shouldn't have been that hard for Spider-Man to beat. And I know he was using surprise attacks but...he has a spider-sense, surprise attacks shouldn't work. There's nothing really wrong with the movie, it's just...fine."

But it gave us the best live-action Spider-Man!

Yeah, the Spider-Sense didn't really seem to...work for a while...for no reason.

They made the Vulture actually threatening. It deserves an Outstanding for that alone.

Fu didn't even try to announce the next one. As he knew what was coming.

"And the next one was THOR RAGNAROK!" Kiba shouted with pure excitement.

Kiba then put that movie in the Royal tier so fast she almost broke her mouse.

"This movie is the best movie out of all of these movies!" Kiba said with a tone that left no room for argument.

"You said movie times." Fu pointed out.

"I don't care! This! Is what a movie about a THUNDER GOD should be like! Constantly keeping me entertained with either hilarious shenanigans or amazing fights where the main weapons are lighting and fist! And this is one of Hulk's best showings! And Valkyrie is the BEST female character in these movies, I don't care if she's a drunk! She is awesome and can take down spaceships with her bare hands! Loki is the best he's ever been, and the get help part reminded me of something I'd do with Fu! Hela is one of the best villains EVER! That part where she takes down the entire Asgardian army! After that, I asked dad if I could use throwing swords, but he said that it was too dangerous which I think is untrue, but then dad had me throw a pencil and I may have accidentally impaled Fu with it which was just bad luck but dad didn't believe me and said no. Anyway, those scenes that looked like moving paintings were some of the best parts and my favorite was when Thor descended from the sky like the god he is, cloaked in lighting and DEATH, ready to take on an army of the dead! And-" Kiba was about to continue but Fu cut her off.

"Kiba you getting dad's muttering habit," Fu informed her.

"And?" Kiba raised an eyebrow. "Caretaker is one of the greatest people to walk this earth, I fail to see how picking up habits from him could be a bad thing. And these people should feel honored to hear my voice so I doubt they'll complain."

It's true. We won't.

It's so cute!

She called him dad instead of Caretaker!

"Alright...well I really like this movie too. Kiba basically said everything that can really be said here. So...let's move on." Fu said as he put Thor Ragnarok into Royal. "So now we have Black Panther."

Kiba moved the movie into Outstanding. "This movie was very entertaining. It starts off with Black Panther striking fear into the hearts of criminals! Black Panther is incredibly striking throughout the movie, and he's not the only one! It's as if being Wakandan instantly makes you a fierce fighter! And Wakanda itself is still one of the most interesting places in the MCU! Killmonger is a worthy opponent, however, and their conflict makes for a very amusing spectacle...Also, war Rhinos. Those were an excellent touch."

"Wakanda forever," Fu said, as he slid the movie into Outstanding.

Wakanda Forever!

Wakanda Forever!

Wakanda Forever!

Wakanda Forever!

"Continuing the streak of excellence, Avengers Infinity War!" Kiba introduced.

Kiba quickly put the movie into Royal.

"The only movie out of all of these that could even compete with Thor Ragnarok. A movie worthy of its epic title as it has battles spanning across the universe, featuring almost every hero in the MCU at this point. Except for Ant-Man unfortunately. And Hawkeye. But aside from those two everyone else gets amazing fights and action...except for the Hulk." Kiba sighed in annoyance. "Once again, they do injustice towards the Hulk. He has one fight, which he definitely should have won, but didn't, and then we don't see him for the rest of the film!" Kiba reviewed. "Thanos is a truly fearsome foe, and with his Infinity Gauntlet, he managed to outmatch the heroes. Even if only temporarily. Which was quite surprising. Overall a very excellent film with a few small disappointments."

"While it is disappointing that Ant-Man doesn't appear, and Hawkeye too. Overall it is a very good movie. A sad one too. I almost felt something when Gamora, Loki, and Vision died. Not when the snap happened because I already knew they would come back. But it was shocking to see the villain win in a movie." Fu said he put the movie into Royal.

What do you expect? He is inevitable.

This does put a smile on my face.

Reality is often disappointing. But not this time.

Perfectly Balanced. As all things should be.

Insert Infinity War Meme here.

"Now we move onto yet another excellent movie, Ant-Man, and the Wasp!" Kiba said eagerly.

As one might predict by her tone, Kiba put the movie right into Royal.

"Ant-Man continues being my favorite avenger. Reminding much of Caretaker in some moments. And the action here far surpasses the first film. Wasp rivals Valkyrie for my favorite female character, however, she can be a bit of a...stick in the mud, at times. Ghost was an interesting antagonist. I like how different her powers were from our heroes. And I still do love those three morons that follow Ant-Man around. Their jests amuse me. And the ending was extremely satisfying." Kiba said.

"Until it wasn't." Fu pointed out. "But ignoring that. I can agree with what Kiba says. I'm not a fan of that one guy Sunny...something I think. He was only here to give punching bags for everyone. But other than that it's a great movie."

Fu slid it into Royal.

Scott Lang for life.

Wasp for life.



"Now onto...wait...did we...forget to watch Captain Marvel?" Fu asked as he looked at the next movie.

"What are you...oh…" Kiba looked at what Fu was talking about and saw that they HAD in fact missed Captain Marvel.

"...So that's why her appearance in Endgame seemed weird." Fu deadpanned.

"...Well this is unfortunate. Oh well moving on!" Kiba sighed. "Onto Avengers Endgame!"

Neither Fu nor Kiba actually placed it immediately. Rather it looked like they took time to try and figure out where it should go.

"This movie for most of it was only Merely Fine, until the last parts which make me want to put it in Royal." Kiba commented as she made an "I'm thinking" face."

"I thought it was in Entereting for a while. But I agree the final battle may have brought it up to Royal." Fu said. "So actually I'm just going to make things similar and just put it in Royal."

"Agreed," Kiba said as she also placed that movie in the top tier. "Captain America using Miljoner makes up for half of the talking scenes. And the Avengers Assemble moment made up for the rest of them. And the rest of that battle made up for what they did to Hulk...ugh. Overall the good far outways the bad."

"The part where Captain America faces against Thanos's army, with that one shot that makes it completely hopeless but he still gets up to fight anyway." Fu described. "And the endings for both Iron Man and Captain America would be very heartwarming if I could properly feel emotions."

"As someone who can properly feel emotions, I can confirm that Captain America's ending was very emotionally satisfying. He fought for the universe and now he can finally be happy...Iron Man SHOULD have got the same ending but, no. He died instead." Kiba crossed her arms and pouted. "His poor daughter now doesn't have a father. That poor little girl."

"At least she still has one living parent...one more than we had when our parents snapped." Fu quipped.

Kiba gagged. "Fu that was both terrible and in poor taste. Where on earth did you get that? Kei?"

"I take that as an insult," Fu said in his monotone. "And since you want to go there. When Iron Man died, Kiba started crying and saying "No don't you dare! You have a daughter to go home to! You can't die!" and dad had to comfort her for the fun-"

Fu didn't get any further as in the time it took him to say all that, Kiba had run over to him, and ripped his head off, causing a fountain of blood to spray from his neck stump until Kiba kicked his body off the chair and out of the sight of the camera.

Welp. Nevermind.

She almost did it! She almost made it! It was so close!

Poor Fu.

Queen Crimson: Nice.

There were a few seconds of silence, as Kiba made her way back to her chair, the only noise was the gushing of Fu's blood off-screen.

Eventually, Kiba got back on camera and settled back down. "My apologies, it appears a villain broke into our house and ripped my brother's head off. I took care of that so don't worry. And also please ignore the obvious lies my brother was spewing beforehand. Anyway, Spider-Man Far From Home. Great movie. Didn't like teen romance. Better action than the first one. And the villains were amazing. This movie goes into Outstanding. Anyway, remember the Q and A is tomorrow don't miss it bye.

And with that Kiba promptly ended the stream.
