

After Michael finished practicing the Sun Soldier's Breathing technique, he took a quick bath in one of the temporary bathrooms that had been built next to the wooden manor.

He met up with Tiara afterward, and presented her the three Artifacts he had purchased for her.

"Because you already have Fenrir's silver spear, I think it would be better to purchase a few different types of Artifacts," Michael said as he handed the Artifacts over.

Tiara stared dumbfoundedly at the round-shield, the Plazarit Chestplate and the set of boots she was given. Her eyes began to quiver and she opened her mouth, but nothing except a puff of air escaped her lips.

"All three armaments are natural 3-Star Tier-1 Artifacts without enchantments. They'll increase your Agility, Endurance and Strength greatly!" 
