
The Faes (2)

Perseus POV

"You see, once upon a time...the end."

"If you don't wanna say, don't say anything!" The professor retorted.

"Well, don't worry, I'm human, born normally just like the rest of y'all. But I'll tell ya in due time, for now, we gotta figure some sort of game plan now that we got these guys to like back us."

I can still remember that day like the back of my hand, the day that I see an angel in person for the first time, and it was the angel general, and that's the same day where Ezra died.

It was the biggest changing point in my life. Our mom died due to grief and depression, I wore this blindfold because of the things that happened relating to Ezra's death.

"I don't know what it really entails either, so I'm more or less on the same page as you guys, but it looks like it's more useful than I think it is."

After that, we decided to just unpack and settle our things here for now, the 2 navy officers then went to get us water along with Captain Ida while the rest of us stayed in the cave.

It's pretty big, and it's not really smelly or damp in anyway. There are these blue glowing mushrooms that grow along the walls and help light up the cave as well, I don't know what they are, but it doesn't look safe to consume.

A few of us in the group took the extra backpacks with extra rations, Shawn was one, as he picked up some of the dead navy officers' bags and brought them with us. We got about 1 month of rations and MREs, and since they can last another 2-3 years and not expire any time soon, we're gonna keep and use them only in desperate times.

The 3rd years, Julie and Stephanie then volunteered to go out in search of food nearby, as I'm not allowed to go since the fairies would rather want to meet me and not wait while I'm out, so we sort of just clean the cave a bit and settle down our sleeping bags.

The bags were mostly prepacked for emergencies and just have had a few other things rashly shoved in, but we got more than enough. We're gonna be living like this for at least a year or 2 if we're waiting for the reclamation troops, as for rescue squads...I doubt that there will be any, but even if there is a suicide squad, it'll take a few months at least.

After about 20 minutes or so, a small group of the faes arrived.

"This is the elder Hisoka." Midori introduced, "Elder, the blessed one goes by the name Perseus Silver, and over there...."

She trailed off as she turned and stared at my brother. What's wrong with Shawn? It's weird, Shawn is talented, but he doesn't possess anything that would make anyone give him any strange looks, but the faes seem to think differently.

"Look Elder, I don't know if this may offend you, but I don't have a lot of knowledge about being a blessed one, may I know why you chose to help us?"

"I see..." he replied with his eyes narrowing down on each of us, "I wouldn't say that I know much either, but my heart goes out to you, dear blessed one. The path of the blessed one often carries heavy burdens and sacrifices.

"We understand the pain and loss that accompanies great power and responsibility. They recognize the depth of your sacrifice and the profound impact it has had on your life. A blessed one can only be sensed by a select few of fellow intelligent magic lifeforms.

"To even receive the title, someone must have had to sacrifice their life for you, such a tragic sacrifice. We were told tales of the blessed one, there are usually less than 10 in one generation and it can only be granted by those angel generals.

"The angels use a different term, they would call you a marked one. They 'mark' you to tell others that they acknowledged your heart, they believe that you're redeemable."

"That's not true." I replied, "He acknowledged the heart of my brother."

I can still hear the same voice talking.

'If only all humans were like you, Ezra Silver, but I'll see if your brother will be worth your life, if not...I'll kill him myself...'

"I did nothing then."

"Still, if the angels show you respect, it must mean that we must as well." Elder Hisoka responded, "The angels will still attack you as they are tasked to eliminate humanity, as for those like us, we are to accommodate you to the best of our abilities."

"I understand. If I may ask, is there a way for us to escape this island safely?"

"Unfortunately, even with our protection, the best we can do is to only get you to the mainland safely," he answered "And that would cost us being seen. If that happens, there's a chance that our species will be hunted again, we are not weak by any means, but we are pacifists in nature, although some of our relatives in other places might retaliate."

I then turned to the others.

"You guys got any other questions?"

Shawn and Minerva shook their head, but the prof looked like he got one.

"May I ask how long we're allowed to stay here?" he asked, "And whether the angels will come here often?"

"You may stay as long as you wish and you are safe within this cave and the close vicinity of our village," the elder reassured, "All I ask would be for you to not reveal our location, you humans are not always entirely...welcoming to our kind in the past."

He then turned to me again.

"Blessed, may you honor this humble one's request to visit our village? It doesn't have to be today or immediately." he requested, "We are honored to be in your presence, and we would still accommodate you even if you were to deny your request."

"I understand your request, and I'll accept it, I'm grateful that you gave us a safe haven to stay."

Vote with power stone and add to library please

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts