
Chapter 266: Scheming


Once people satisfy their material needs, they inevitably seek higher spiritual fulfillment, especially true for the officials appointed to the frontiers and the high-ranking offspring who come to gain experience.

Where there's demand from those above, naturally, people below will scramble to curry favor.

As a result, places dubbed "outposts," which were in fact manors and grand estates, sprung up in the scenic regions near Houting County.

These places were extravagantly furnished, and beauties and handsome men were plentiful.

Next to Guangzhen County, one of the three border cities, stood such a place named Wanfang Garden.

However, due to the southern invasion of the Barbarian Tribes, the once luxurious pavilions and galleries had been burned to the ground, leaving only an elegant pavilion on the mountaintop standing alone.

Now, beneath the heavily falling snow, two figures stood in the pavilion.

One man and one woman.
