
Chapter 37

Hudson's POV:

While Ashley and I been making out somebody disturbed us. I'm surprised by myself for not being frightened when I see Camille. But she could tell Meredith and Ashley doesn't want to.

"Ashley? Hudson? I didn't know you guys were a thing." She says surprised but I don't really think she never noticed us. Camille has a good sense of knowing people. She was the first one telling me that Monika is a weirdo before anybody else noticed. So I guess she already recognized our chemistry.

"Well, Meredith doesn't know that yet. Could you please not tell her?" Ashley asks politely like always. Camille nods.

"Of course. Just have fun." She smiles. A guy walks towards us.

"Babe, I got you an ice cream." He says to Camille and holds out a cup with ice cream.

"Hi Damon. Oh my gosh, you guys are a thing now?" Ashley says excitedly. From where does she know that guy?

"Oh, Ashley. Well, we were dating since a while but we were afraid to tell because of Trevor." This guy Damon says to Ashley.

"I believe that." Ashley chuckles.

"This is my cousin Hudson. The brother of Meredith." Camille points out to me.

"Nice to meet you, Hudson." He smiles. He looks nice but I guess Trevor would really be mad at Camille anyway.

"Nice to meet you two, Damon. And don't be afraid of Trevor, Camille. I have your back since your not going to tell Meredith of us." I promise to her. She hugs and thanks us and so we do.

After we say goodbye to each other Ashley and I discover more the Piccadilly and then in the evening we drive back home. We decided to do dinner together.

Ashley's POV:

The time we get home I go change and do some packing. I don't want Hudson to see me pack because he's getting sad then. He already bought me a flight ticket to Zurich even though I didn't want him to pay it. He asked when I want to return but when I said that I don't know it yet he might think that I wouldn't come back here anymore. The time I finished he knocks at my door.

"Hey, are you packing?" He opens the door and says. I feel so bad right now.

"Well, I'm done so let's make dinner." I try to change the subject.

"Ashley, I know you try to distract me but this doesn't bother me. I mean, I totally understand that you have to go." He says and grabs my hand.

"My trip back home won't change my feelings for you you know that, don't you?" I make sure he knows how I feel.

"Yes, I know that's not what I'm worried but come on let's make dinner." He says and I want to ask him what he's actually worried about but I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable so I just ignore it for this moment.

While we make dinner we're so silent. So goes it while eating and I don't know if he's mad. I'm also afraid to ask him but I have to. I don't want our last night to be like this. I also have to admit that I'm not even sure if I really come back or not.

"What's wrong, Hudson?" I say sounding desperate. I am desperate.

"Nothing. I'm fine trust me." He smiles and grabs my hand to comfort me. I smile back but don't believe him. I better leave it for tomorrow.

We do the washing up together but this time we talk and laugh. He tells me stuff about his childhood and it's ridiculous. He really enjoyed his childhood. I tell him things Meredith and I did in Zurich when we were younger. Like the time where we accidentally told a man the wrong toilet password in McDonald's and we recognized it way too late. We were making jokes that he is still waiting in front of the toilet almost peeing in his pants because of us. And I still feel bad about it but it was funny that time ago.

We talked that much that we lost the time and didn't recognize that it's almost 2 a.m. Hudson and I want to go to bed and as we're standing in front of our rooms he stops me by holding my hand.

"Do you maybe, I don't know, Uhm... maybe sleep, uhm with me? I mean in my... room." He stutters nervously. I get nervous after he asks me that.

"Uhm... Ok..." I answer nervously his question.

We both walk silently into his room and lay on his bed. I guess we both felt uncomfortable but then he puts his arm around my waist. I feel a lot better than I expected so I put my head on his breast and hear his heart racing very fast. I hold my head up to face him. When I smile he kisses me. And I think I won't have a nightmare tonight.

... (to be continued)
