Henry paused for a moment. He wondered what was running through this woman's head. But Lydia quickly added, "I do like you, Henry. I like you a lot. Any woman would be a fool not to like you, but seeing you try to turn me into another woman just so you can have sex with me, is a red flag for me."
"Besides, that also means you are truly hopelessly in love with this Kate of yours, and I'm not a woman who wants to fight over a guy," Lydia said. She got up from the chair and grabbed her bag. "Don't worry, your assistant already paid for everything. I will leave now. Goodbye, Henry."
"…" Henry nodded as he remained silent, watching the woman leave the room. Honestly, he already forgot that woman's name. He had a lot of lovers before Kate, so their faces got a little blurry, merged and mixed most of the time.
But that didn't matter because he had something more important to do: answer his woman's call!
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: