
Chapter 56

"… it's normal to split the bill," Kate said as she tried to defend herself.

"Split the bill?" Henry frowned. "What kind of man lets his woman split the bill?"

"…" Kate zipped her mouth after that. She didn't know whether it was Henry or her that had no common sense. 

But then she realized maybe both of them had zero common sense.

Kate remembered that Matt had always forced her to pay for everything on all of their dates. He would try to avoid being shamed and criticized by forcing Kate to give her wallet to him under the table, so he could take out her credit card before he called the server.

Thus, he 'paid the bill' with 'his' credit card.

He said it was a matter of a man's dignity, and Kate shouldn't embarrass her man, so she stayed silent even though she paid for everything every single damn time. 

Now she realized how much of an idiot she was back then. 

"Anyway, let's just go now. I don't want to be late," Henry said.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
