
The Crystal Onix

Ash was floating across the sea on top of Lapras, it's been a bit of time and Ash watched about 30 of the available episodes, he would have watched the rest but he had to prepare something super important.

Today was a very important day that he couldn't forget, it was….Yellow's birthday, yeah real big stuff.

So he was going to kill 2 birds with one stone, he was going to Sunburst Island to get her gift and also for the Crystal Onix.

It didn't take long for the island to come into view so Ash switched over to Gyarados and returned Lapras to her Pokeball, then after he was ready Gyarados shot forward going directly for the island, but not to the front, he was going to the back of the island.

As he finally got onto the ground again Gyarados went into the water and Pikachu wobbled out of Ash's bag only almost vomiting 3 times in the process.

So as soon as he got off he started walking across the island, although he didn't have directions he had a general idea of where to go as he started following the beachside pouring Aura into his eyes to look around.

Then he sensed something's Aura, something large so he traced around the water until he eventually found a clearing where there was another island a few feet away but surrounded by water.

Thankfully as soon as he stepped in front of the water the tides seemed to change and the waters started splitting creating a pathway, whether it was some Pokemon magic, or the sea level went down, or maybe it was a bridge that connected the islands it didn't matter.

"Well that's convenient," Ash said


Ash casually walked across the newly made pathway between the sides of the water at either of his sides getting across with no problem, but the water wasn't even deep in the first place.

Anyway, when he got to the other island he went into the forest as the sea closed behind him, "You think that was a Pokemon or the water levels?"

"Chu?" Pikachu shrugged

"Yeah I shouldn't expect you to know about this," Ash said as he thought to himself, 'Though Maxie and Archie would probably have a field day with this, arguing which came first,'

But anyway Ash kept walking through the forest putting Aura in his eyes to look for a path, eventually, he found the familiar Aura he sensed before and followed it deeper into the forest where then he found a cave in the center of the island.

Pikachu tilted his head confused at what he was seeing but Ash walked in without any care, and when he entered he finally saw a large open cave with a pond in the center.

Ash nodded as he looked at the walls which had crystals sprouting from them like they were grown from the stone walls.

Ash stretched his arm behind his bag and threw his bag to the corner of the room, "Alright Pikachu the rest is up to you, [Thunderbolt] into the water,"

Pikachu looked confused but shrugged as he jumped off his shoulder and into the air charging the shooting a bright yellow bolt of electricity and it shot directly into the water sending the electricity through it.

For a moment it looked like nothing happened but then there was a rumbling, then from the water, an Onix shot out from the water and roared into the cave making it shake. But this was no ordinary Onix, for its rock skin was made of Crystal, this was the Crystal Onix.

But one thing Ash immediately noticed was that it looked like that [Thunderbolt] actually did damage to the Onix, which made him wonder what else but he didn't dwell on it so he could check it after he captured it.

Onix growled and brought his tail down with the intent of slamming Pikachu with its large Crystal body.

Ash swiped his arm across his body, "Pikachu get ready and [Double Team]!"

Pikachu created multiple clones and started spreading out across the cave, and it seemed like Onix's speed wasn't any better than a regular Onix, since the clones easily dodged the slam and started surrounding it and running across the walls.

"Now [Thunderbolt] in the water again!" Ash commanded

All the Pikachu patted their cheeks and shot out a bolt of electricity at the base of Onix's body where its body met the water, and Onix was lit up in electricity again.

That was a weird thing to say but Ash brought out a Pokeball and threw it hitting the Onix, 1 roll, 2 roll, Onix broke out of the Pokeball and in a surprise swiped its tail across the ground catching a few of the clones off guard.

Ash frowned, "Figures it won't be easy, fine then, Pikachu use [Electroweb] at the roof!"

Pikachu and the remaining clones started shooting multiple strings of electrified webs across the roof making the cave look like a party room, although some were fake Onix couldn't tell which where.

As Onix turned its head its horn got wrapped in a web and sent some electricity through the Crystal Onix.

Ash smiled and pointed at his head, "Pikachu just like last time, [Extreme Speed] then [Iron tail] on the horn!"

Pikachu started using the webs to bounce using one to bounce to the next and the clones did the same as the sky area became a yellow blur that caused the Onix to get confused trying to keep up so it didn't notice when Pikachu took that built up momentum and brought his silver tail down on his horn.

Onix felt the sudden shock of pain course through his back as the Crystal Onix started falling over backwards, so in an instant, Ash threw another Pokeball that hit Crystal Onix again.

1 roll, 2 roll, 3 roll, *Ding*

Ash smiled as he caught the big beast, so he threw him back out letting him sink into the water again, and also started healing him a bit with Aura as he looked at his dex.



[Nature: Calm (+SpD, -Atk)]

[Moves: Bind, Curse, Rock Throw, Crystal Throw, Crystal Tomb, Crystal Edge]

[Mutation: Crystal body]

- Gain a resistance to Water, Ice, and Grass but gain a vulnerability to fire and lose Electric immunity 

- Gain access to some Crystal (Ice) moves.

- Gain an extra 50 to base stats


Ash whistled seeing everything, "Not bad at all, though I wonder, is Crystal a type and if yes then does he get S.T.A.B. and what does it count as?"

Ash shrugged, he knew he wouldn't get answers from the Pokedax so he didn't question it, he'll just do his own research later, but for now, Ash walked over to the crystals on the wall and looked at them.

At a quick look, they weren't glass, but they also didn't look like ice or diamond which throws out what most people's theories were on what this Onix was made of.

Ash whistles at Pikachu, "Pikachu use [Brick Break],"

Pikachu jumped forewarned and with his glowing red fist, he punched the Crystal breaking it off the wall in big chunks that Ash grabbed.

"Great work bud, you earned your extra special limited edition Ketchup I've been saving," Ash said, giving Pikachu a wink as Pikachu was already drooling.

Ash put the Crystal in his 'bag' and went over to the water to collect some of the water in a bottle also puting it in his 'bag', he plans to inspect those later, maybe he can turn other Pokemon Crystal, or not who knows.

So Ash looked at Crystal Onix and smiled as he pulled out a Polaroid camera, "Alright then, smile for the camera,"

A few minutes later Ash walked to the other side of the island where the actual town was and followed the path that led up a mountain and where he found the crystal and glass shops being managed by the artisans.

He walked around looking for the place he was looking for and people around were calling to him trying to convince him to buy their product.

"We got a great deal just for you!"

"What will you have, Boss!"

"Buy one set and I'll throw in this glass figure!"

But Ash didn't pay attention to them. He was here for something specific, and then he heard something.

"You're still keeping this crummy shop open!" a man said, "haven't you gone out of business yet!"

When Ash looked at the place where the noise was coming from, and there he saw the shop he was looking for appropriately called 'Crystal Shop'

At the front of the store, he saw a man arguing with a young pink-haired girl who was trying to avoid looking at the older man.

"No sir…" she said her voice barely loud enough to hear

"I don't see why you don't close up shop, you got no merchandise, tell your big brother he should give up already he ain't got no talent,"

"Yes he does," she said holding back tears, "He's very good…"

The older man slightly panicked, "Hey come on don't start crying on me now,"

So Ash decided to step in between them, "Hey is there a problem here?"

The older man was taken by surprise, "Wha-who are you, ya know her?"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't, all I know is you're here making her cry, so I'm afraid you need to leave," Ash said crossing his arms

"Fine then," he grumbled, "Kids these days always butting in, that empty store is ruining my business,"

As Ash watched him leave he felt a small tug at his jacket, "Um, thank you," the little girl who was named Marissa said.

"No problem, but what's wrong isn't your brother also a glass maker right?"

"Well, you see my brother doesn't think he's good enough, our grandpa had the store before and he made the best Crystal sculptures, but when he died," Marissa said whipping a tear from her eye, "My brother didn't think he was good enough to replace our grandfather."

"I see, well that would be a problem in that case, is there something you think could be done?" Ash asked as Pikachu nodded on his shoulder.

"Well, our grandfather told us he got his inspiration from something called the Crystal Onix if only my brother could see it," Marissa said

Then suddenly a boy's voice came from the back of the store, "Marissa you aren't bothering someone else?"

Ash waved his hand, "No it's all ok, she isn't bothering me at all,"

The boy, Mateo, nodded, "I see, well I'm sorry but there isn't much in this little shop, so I'm sorry but you might want to leave."

Then Mateo turned to go back inside when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking back it was Ash, "Actually, you want to know about the Crystal Onix right?"

Mateo and Marissa's eyes lit up as soon as Ash said, "Do you know something about the Crystal Onix?"

Ash smiled and pulled out a physical photo that he took, and on it, there was a beautiful picture of the Crystal Onix staring into the camera.

Ash handed it over to Mateo and he stared at it for a moment looking into the picture, even though it was just that, a picture, Mateo could still feel something from it.

Mateo felt determined, "I feel it, I don't know what it is but I can feel it just in this photo, I need to get to work immediately I need to feel the glass!"

Mateo almost ran into the shop and called out his partner Charmeleon and began working quickly. He needed inspiration now but looking at Ash and Pikachu sitting on his shoulder he knew what to do.

Something that Ash knows from experience should take 3 hours was completed in less than 1, then he brought out his Cloyster and shocked the hot glass in Cloyster's water, finally revealing a life-like glass Pikachu.

A bit later after he did the finishing touches he gave it to Ash, but then he asked, "Are you sure you really want me to keep this picture?"

Ash waved his hand, "Yeah, consider it payment for this little guy," Ash said holding the little glass Pikachu.

Mateo nodded, "I see, well I wasn't going to charge you for it anyway, it's because of you that I can even do this, I don't know how I can repay you," he said as Marissa nodded along happily.

"Yeah, now we can make the store popular again just like with Grandpa!"

"Well in that case how about I become your first official customer, I'd like to place a commission," Ash said smiling.

"Of course, what do you want? I'll get to work right away!" Mateo said excitedly.

Ash smiled and pulled out a piece of paper with what he wanted made and handed it to Mateo.

{Viridian City}

It was getting late, and today was Yellow's Birthday today and she celebrated it the same way she always does with her uncle Wilton and the other people from Viridian City, though today Mr.Giovanni didn't come, which was understandable.

As for everything else, it was a fun day and Yellow got gifts from everyone, and people like Misty, Green, Gary, etc. sent her gifts, although Ash hasn't sent her one yet.

Right now Wilton was cleaning up and even though Yellow offered to help Wilton told her not to, so she sat down and looked at her Pokedex waiting for a text or something.

"I wonder what Ash is doing," she mumbled as Dody tapped her with the center head, then she looked down seeing all her Pokemon looking up at her.

She looked over everyone, especially Omny, since she got back she got help from Wilton, and Omanyte evolved into Omastar.

As she was patting her Pokemon she heard a familiar voice, "So I heard you asked about me?"

When she looked back she saw Ash standing there holding a gift box as Abra and Pikachu were on each of his shoulders.

"A-Ash you're here. I thought you weren't coming."

"And miss your birthday, what do you take me for, besides I need to give you your gift," Ash said as he gave her the box.

Yellow took it and gently opened it as Dody peaked over trying to also see what was inside, and when she opened it she was surprised to see what was inside, it was a replica of all her Pokemon made of glass.

"Wow, they're beautiful," Yellow said, her eyes shining as she looked at all of them, "Thank you, Ash, this is great!" she said with a bright smile.
